
Using Logstash to synchronize an Elasticsearch index with MySQL data

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Using Logstash to synchronize an Elasticsearch index with MySQL data

This project is described in details in this article: How to synchronize Elasticsearch with MySQL


This project is a working example demonstrating how to use Logstash to link Elasticsearch to a MySQL database in order to:

  • Build an Elasticsearch index from scratch
  • Continuously monitor changes on the database records and replicate any of those changes to Elasticsearch (create, update, delete)

It uses:

  • MySQL as the main database of a given business architecture (version 8.0)
  • Elasticsearch as a text search engine (version 7.9.3)
  • Logstash as a connector or data pipe from MySQL to Elasticsearch (version 7.9.3)
  • Kibana for monitoring, data visualization, and debuging tool (version 7.9.3)

Architecture of this project

This repo is a valid prototype and works as it is, however it is not suitable for a production environment. Please refer to the official documentation of each of the above technologies for instructions on how to go live in your production environment.


On your development/local environment, run the following commands on a terminal:

Note: Make sure to install Docker and Docker Compose

# Clone this project and cd into it
git clone https://github.com/redouane-dev/sync-elasticsearch-mysql.git && cd sync-elasticsearch-mysql

# Start the whole architecture
docker-compose up # add -d for detached mode

# To keep an eye on the logs
docker-compose logs -f --tail 111 <service-name>

To start services separately or in a different order, you can run:

docker-compose up -d mysql
docker-compose up -d elasticsearch kibana
docker-compose up logstash


Please refer to the above article for testing steps.
