
This repository contains a very simple websocket server implementation in pure java. This implementation is 100% conformant to the websocket protocol specification RFC 6455 and passing all test cases in Autobahn|Testsuite.

Primary LanguageJava

Simple WebSocket Server in Pure Java

Build Status Maven Central Javadocs

This repository contains a very simple websocket server implementation in java. This implementation is 100% conformant to the websocket protocol specification RFC 6455 and passing all test cases in Autobahn|Testsuite.

What is websocket?

It is a protocol that handles the dual communication over a single TCP connection. It is designed to use over the web. In short, it is a socket over web (http). You can read more details here.

For who we developed

  • For those who want simplest and easiest way to use
  • For those who want to learn how to build websocket server in plain java
  • For those who want to run websocket server without a dedicated web server like Tomcat , Jetty (or) something else.Of course you can use this library with them as well.
  • For those who want to run standalone websocket server on small computers or embedded systems like mobile phones or routers or etc..


The Autobahn|Testsuite is a fully automated test suite to verify client and server implementations of the WebSocket Protocol for specification conformance and implementation robustness. Learn more about Autobahn|Test.

Example Usages

Creating a websocket server using our library is as simple as the following two tasks.

  1. Create the Endpoint class
  2. Register it with BasicContainer


See the following piece of code that registered the Endpoint class with container

BasicContainer bc = new BasicContainer();
bc.registerEndpoint("/echo", new EchoEndpoint());

Here we have configure the Echopoint to listen on 8080 port. All requests coming with ws://host:8080/echo will be handle by the EchoEndpoint

Implementing EchoEndpoint is also simple. Just extend Endpoint class and override

  • onTextMessage
  • onConnect
class EchoEndpoint implements Endpoint {

    private Session session;

    public void onConnect(Session session) {
        this.session = session;

    public void onTextMessage(String data) {

Full example of EchoServer along with many others can be seen here

Still working on it

System Requirements to build

  • Java 1.8 or higher

How to build

We used gradle to build the project.So after cloning this repo, go to root of the project and run the following

cd project_root
./gradlew build

WSS Support

If you want to run it over TLS to be secure so that no middle man can eavesdrop, add the key file like the following

BasicContainer bc = new BasicContainer();
bc.registerEndpoint("/", new EchoEndpoint());
setTLSKeyStore(keyFilePath, keyPass, storePass, KeyStoreType.JKS);

see full example in examples

Supported KeyStore Type
  • JKS
  • PKCS12


Free to used any part of the codes any way you want.

We valued your feedback most. Please give any kind of feedback you can. Suggestions, Issues Reporting or anything. You are more than welcome to contribute the project or report any kind of issue you faced We will fixed instantly

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