
Ranking countries based on their economic and environmental well-being using Gapminder dataset containing data about many indicators like life expectancy, GDP etc from 1952 to 2012.

Primary LanguagePython


A socio-economic analysis of countries with an emphasis on Pakistan.


Ranking countries based on their economic and environmental well-being using Gapminder dataset containing data about many indicators like life expectancy, GDP etc from 1952 to 2012.

Ranking Name: TESPH

'TESPH' which stands for Technology, Economy and Environment, Social, Population, and Health is a comprehensive rating created from analysing a large proportion of data which shows a country's overall wellbeing over a certain period of time.

Measuring a country's prosperity from just one standpoint would be biased so this ranking was determined in two ways:

Red TESPH: Measure of a country's economic strength reflected in it's economic growth, diversity, and stability.

  • For RED TESPH, correlation of indicators with Total GDP US was found because GDP is the most comprehensive measure of economic performance and growth of a country.

Green TESPH: Measure of a country's standard of living in terms of sustainable development and health.

  • For GREEN TESPH, the indicator Life Expectancy was chosen as it determines the overall health status of a country across all ages.

TESPH in Numbers:

Data of 16 Countries from 7 Regions over a time period of 16 Years was distilled into 6 Pillars made up of 25 Indicators.

Tools Used:

Pandas and Numpy Libraries for data analysis. Matplotlib and Plotly Express Libraries for data visualization.

Steps Involved / Methodolgy:

  • Data Cleaning
  • Data Normalization
  • Indicator Selection
    • Pearson Correlation Coefficient to find the pairwise correlation of all indicators
  • Average Calculation
  • Weight Distribution
  • Calculation of weighted averages
  • Calculation of Aggregate Averages of all pillars
    • Determining Indicators' Impact based on Correlation
    • Data Anomalies
  • Calculating Final Rankings.

For further information and key findings please read the Project Report (PDF File) in the code section.

Side Note:

This was my first semester term project. I'm still learning Data Analysis and Data Science. So your suggestions if any to improve this project will be appreciated.