DevOps Monitoring

You need to have node and npm installed on your system. Node version should be 20 or more.

1. Environment variable setup

1. Backend

In the backend folder, there is an .env.example. Rename this to just .env and update DATABASE_URL.

Note: DATABASE_URL should be in this format DATABASE_URL="postgresql://USERNAME:PASSWORD@HOSTNAME:PORT".

2. Frontend

In the frontend folder, there is an .env.example. Rename this to just .env and update VITE_BACKEND_URL.

Note: VITE_BACKEND_URL is the Backend server URL.

2. Backend setup

1. Installing backend dependencies

Navigate to backend folder and run the following:

npm install

2. Running database migration

When running for the first time, you need to run database migrations so to do so navigate to backend folder and run the following:

npx prisma migrate deploy

3. Running backend

Once the dependencies are installed then run the following:

npm run start

This will start the backend server at port 5000.

2. Frontend setup

1. Installing frontend dependencies

Navigate to frontend folder and run the following:

npm install

2. Running frontend

Once the dependencies are installed then run the following:

npm run dev -- --host

This will start the frontend server at port 4000.