
A PHP class for Turkish suffixes

Primary LanguagePHP


This class let's you easily conjugate a Turkish proper noun correctly.


composer require ayhanerdm/ekler

Example Usage

use \ayhanerdm\Ekler;
echo Ekler::Cekimle('Nursel', \ayhanerdm\Ekler::ILGI, true);

Example Usage with Explanations

  * After autoloading the composer autoload file you can simply call the class as:
use \ayhanerdm\Ekler;

$iyelik = new Ekler(true); // True by default and if you don't want to add single quotation mark before the possessive suffix, set to false.

echo Ekler::Cekimle(
    'Nursel', // A Turkish proper noun.

      * A possessive suffix to use.
      * Possible options: ::ILGI, ::BELIRTME; ::YONELME, ::BULUNMA; ::AYRILMA, ::BIRLIKTELIK
      * Also you can use their content as well. 'in', 'e', 'de', 'den', 'ile'

      * Same with new Ekler(BOOLEAN $apostrophe), default is true.
      * You have to use apostrophe before possessive suffixes while conjugating the proper noun in Turkish
      * but that's not the case for every possible word, also if the word is a regular noun you're not supposed
      * to use a apostrophe, so if this argument is true it will add a apostrophe and it won't add an apostrophe
      * if it's false.

echo PHP_EOL; // OR

echo $iyelik->Cekimle(
    'Nursel', // A Turkish proper noun.

      * A possessive suffix to use.
      * Possible options: ::ILGI, ::BELIRTME; ::YONELME, ::BULUNMA; ::AYRILMA, ::BIRLIKTELIK
      * Also you can use their content as well. 'in', 'e', 'de', 'den', 'ile'

      * Same with new Ekler(BOOLEAN $apostrophe), default is true.
      * You have to use apostrophe before possessive suffixes while conjugating the proper noun in Turkish
      * but that's not the case for every possible word, also if the word is a regular noun you're not supposed
      * to use a apostrophe, so if this argument is true it will add a apostrophe and it won't add an apostrophe
      * if it's false.