Local-Server-File-Storage app

  • This is a simple file storer created using flask.

  • This project is a similar to other online file storage app ,e.g:- google drive,dropbox ,etc

  • Everyone can run this on localserver or can host this online.

  • Feel free to contribute and bring changes in this project.

Install the neccessary libraries and modules

  • Activate your virtualenv and run the following command in your terminal(LINUX) or cmd(WINDOWS)

    $ pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Creating the database

  • Create a database --> DATA

  • Execute the commands from DATA.sql to mysql to create the table.

Running the app on your localhost

  • Open terminal or cmd and write the following command.

  • $ python3 main.py


  • open main.py, at the very end you will find "app.run(host = '')" , '' is my ip.

  • you can replace this "app.run(host = '')" with "app.run()" to run it on localhost.

  • To use this locally on your phone you can use "app.run(host= your-ip)", to get your ip run the following command.

    --> In linux , open terminal:

    $ ifconfig , you will get your ip.

    --> In windows, open cmd:

    $ ipconfig , you will get your ip.