
simple-multisig-wallet requires multiple signers to sign before spending funds from the contract.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


simple-mutlisig-wallet requires multiple signers to sign before spending funds from the contract. Transactions can be executed only when verified by predefined users

Installation and Usage


  1. Node v8+
npm -v
  1. Install truffle and ganache globally

  2. Install

git clone https://github.com/ToniyaSundaram/simple-mutlisig-wallet
cd simple-mutlisig-wallet
npm install
  1. Compile and migrate test smart contracts
truffle compile
truffle migrate --network {ropsten/mainnet}
truffle test


  • Can hold ether with multisig support
  • Easy to use offline signing and create consistent messageHash for signing the message
  • Transaction data , events logs for readability
  • Easy to add signer and remove signer
  • Easy usage for private multisig wallets.