
Dirty script to orchestrate locust.io across few machines

Primary LanguagePython


Dirty Python scripts to orchestrate the execution of locust.io across machines.

Uses sqlalchemy+sqlite to keep record of the hosts and tests, and paramiko to orchestrate the slave nodes.

The tests are pushed into the slaves inside a virtualenv and installed using pip, so the dependencies can be resolved automatically.


Add a new host

borg agents add (user@)host

Add a new test suite

borg tests add alias test-location

Push a test suite to each host

borg orchestrate push alias

Start master and slaves

borg orchestrate start alias locust-test-file target-host


borg agents add root@planet-express.cern.ch
borg agents add root@arioch.cern.ch
borg tests add fts3 ~/Source/Borg/borg-tests/fts3-rest-test/
borg orchestrate push fts3
borg orchestrate -v start fts3 test_rucio.py fts3devel01.cern.ch
firefox http://localhost:8089 &