macOS customization role for Ansible

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Applies macOS customizations.

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Quick start

Make sure you have Homebrew installed on macOS.


ansible-galaxy install ayltai.macos_preferences


- hosts: all
    - ayltai.macos_preferences
    macos_default_shell: bash


Name Type Default Description
macos_pause integer 10 Controls how long to wait before an information message is dismissed automatically.
macos_launchpad_grid_columns integer 4 Changes Launchpad layout to this many columns.
macos_launchpad_grid_rows integer 3 Changes Launchpad layout to this many rows.
macos_disable_disk_image_verification boolean Yes Disables disk image verification.
macos_disable_gate_keeper boolean Yes Disables Gatekeeper
macos_disable_game_center boolean Yes Disables Game Center. Requires SIP to be disabled.
macos_disable_smart_quotes boolean Yes Disables smart quotes feature.
macos_disable_smart_dashes boolean Yes Disables smart dashes feature.
macos_disable_sms boolean Yes Disables Sudden Motion Sensor.
macos_disable_hibernation boolean Yes Disables hibernation. Requires SIP to be disabled.
macos_disable_photos_auto_open boolean Yes Disables Photos from opening automatically.
macos_ask_password_immediately boolean Yes Prompts for password immediately after screen is off or screensaver starts.
macos_enable_subpixel_font_rendering boolean Yes Enables sub-pixel rendering on external monitors.
macos_default_screenshot_format string png Sets the default image format for screenshots. Supports jpg, tiff, gif, pdf and png.
macos_default_screenshot_location path {{ macos_default_finder_location }} Sets the default location to save screenshots.
macos_default_finder_location path ~/Downloads Sets the default location for new Finder windows.
macos_show_finder_file_extension boolean Yes Shows file extensions in Finder.
macos_show_finder_status_bar boolean Yes Shows the status bar in Finder.
macos_show_finder_quit boolean Yes Shows "Quit" menu item for Finder.
macos_finder_sort_folder boolean Yes Shows folders on top when sorted by filename in Finder.
macos_disable_file_extension_warning boolean Yes Disable the warning about file extension changes in Finder.
macos_default_finder_view_style string Nlsv Sets the default view style in Finder. Supports Flwv (cover flow view), Nlsv (list view), clmv (column view) and icnv (icon view).
macos_spring_loading_enabled boolean Yes Enables spring loading in Finder.
macos_spring_loading_delay integer 1 Sets the spring loading delay in Finder.
macos_disable_ds_store boolean Yes Disables the creation of .DS_Store files on network drives.
macos_disable_empty_trash_warning boolean Yes Disables the warning about emptying Trash.
macos_dock_position string right Sets the Dock position. Supports left, right and bottom.
macos_dock_tile_size integer 32 Sets the Dock size in pixels.
macos_dock_lock_size boolean Yes Disable manual resizing of the Dock.
macos_dock_spring_loading boolean Yes Enables spring loading in the Dock.
macos_dock_hide_recent_apps boolean Yes Disables showing recent applications in the Dock.
macos_terminal_encoding_utf8 boolean Yes Sets the default character encoding to UTF-8 in Terminal.
macos_default_terminal_theme string Pro Sets the default Terminal theme.
macos_disable_chrome_swipe_navigation boolean Yes Disable swipe navigation in Google Chrome.
macos_disable_itunes_media_keys boolean Yes Disables iTunes Media Keys. Requires SIP to be disabled.
macos_default_dark_mode boolean Yes Turns on Dark Mode by default.
macos_accent_color integer -1 Sets the accent color. Supports nil (blue), -1 (graphite), 0 (red), 1 (orange), 2 (yellow), 3 (green), 4 (blue), 5 (purple) and 6 (pink).
macos_highlight_color string 0.847059 0.847059 0.862745 Sets the highlight color. Supports RGB values ranging from 0 to 1 in format R G B.
macos_disable_shake_mouse boolean Yes Disables shaking mouse pointer to locate feature.
macos_display_sleep integer 10 Sets the idle time before the display goes off. Sets it to 0 to disable the display from going off.
macos_computer_sleep integer 0 Sets the idle time before the computer goes to sleep. Sets it to 0 to disable the computer from sleeping.
macos_disable_sleep boolean Yes Disables the computer from sleeping. This will in turn set macos_computer_sleep to 0.
macos_quit_always_saves_windows boolean Yes Saves windows when macOS restarts or shuts down.
macos_faster_time_machine_backup boolean Yes Enables faster Time Machine backup by disabling CPU throttling.
macos_disable_memory_compression boolean Yes Disable memory compression. Requires SIP to be disabled.
macos_disable_crash_report boolean Yes Disables crash reports. Requires SIP to be disabled.
macos_update_frequency integer 1 Sets the update frequency of macOS in number of days.
macos_default_shell string bash Sets the default shell. Supports bash, fish, ksh, tcsh, and zsh.


