
Collection of my own color themes for syntax highlighting


Since I am a big fan of Apps that can get a personal touch and especially lookwise be adapted, I want to save all my CSS files and similar configuration files for them here in case I changed something from the original version or did my own stuff. Credit the the original creators will of course be given whereever it is due.


Obsidian is a young, powerful and highly customizable Markdowneditor with the benefit of storing all your files locally (tho they can be synced via Git, Clouds or Obsidian Sync) and in a format that will work even when the App shuts down someday, which makes it superior to lets say Notion in my humble opinion.



Makes the note in preview mode look similar to a standard LaTeX-Document (Lists, Blockquotes, Fonts etc.)


Themes that alter the Appearence of the app can often be found on GitHub. Many of the authors



Card Appearence


Einfach Simpler Look mit farblich leicht abgesetzter Hinterlegung der Antworten am PC und in der App und linksbündigem Text


geeignet für kürzere Karten mit einem Stichwort in der Frage und einer Formel o.ä. als Antwort, mit farblich abgesetzter Antwort

Visual Studio Code

Color Schemes

Syntax Highlighting


Color Schemes

Syntax Highlighting