
Welcome to the Misc repository! This repository serves as a collection hub for miscellaneous scripts, utilities, and useful code snippets that may aid in a variety of programming tasks. From simple automation scripts to complex snippets that solve specific problems, this repository aims to accumulate a diverse set of tools to assist developers.

Repository Structure

This repository will be organized by language and functionality:

  • /Python: Contains Python scripts and snippets.
  • /JavaScript: Contains JavaScript utilities and fragments.
  • /Shell: Shell scripts for automation and system operations.
  • /Misc: Other miscellaneous scripts that do not neatly fit into the above categories.

Each directory has a README.md file that provides a description of the scripts contained within and any specific installation or running instructions.

How to Use

To use any script in this repository:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine: git clone https://github.com/ayman3000/Misc.git

  2. Navigate to the desired script directory: cd Misc/Python

  3. Read the README.md file in the directory to understand how to use the scripts.


Contributions to this repository are welcome! Here's how you can contribute:

  1. Fork the repository to your GitHub account.

  2. Clone your fork to your local machine.

  3. Create a new branch for your feature or fix: git checkout -b feature/my-new-feature

  4. Make your changes and commit them: git commit -am 'Add some feature'

  5. Push to your fork on GitHub: git push origin feature/my-new-feature

  6. Submit a pull request from your fork back to the main repository.

Please ensure your code adheres to the existing style of the project to maintain consistency.


All scripts within this repository are released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file in the repository for more details.

Feel free to explore and use the scripts as needed. Happy coding!