Django application with ajax modal popup

Primary LanguagePython


Django application with ajax modal popup


It is a small app that does the following instructions:

  • a page allowing a user to log in.
  • Once logged in, the user accesses the page displaying his profile and changes (first name /last name/email).
  • By clicking on "Edit information", a modal open up.
  • In this modal, an input to modify his first name, last name and email address, as well as a "save" button. In support of this button, the information will be modified in the database and on the main page without reloading the page.


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Quick start

  1. Clone repo like this: git clone https://github.com/aymaneMx/EXO.git

  2. Create a virtualenv: python -m venv virtualenv

  3. Activate virtualenv

  4. Install packages from requirements.txt file by running : pip install -r requirements.txt in your shell

  5. Run python manage.py migrate

  6. Start the development server and visit