This project was generated with Angular CLI version 8.3.17.


Run npm install in front-end repo to intall angular project requirements

Development Spring boot

Run corner store spring boot server for.default port: http://localhost:8015/.

Development Client server

Run ng serve. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. server changes will automatically reload in the in the browser

For dev

font-end folder is the Angular Project back-end folder is the Spring boot.

Back end fonctionnalities :

  • Jwt Authentification.
  • Roles security management.
  • Swagger documentation.
  • Exceprtions handling.

Front end fonctionnalities :

  • Angular routing.
  • Authentifcation system.
  • Route guard.
  • Interceptors.
  • Products CRUD operations.
  • Categories CRUD operations.


API documentation is in http://localhost:8090/swagger-ui.html


  • Youssef Ennouajeli
  • Aymane benhima
  • Oumaima chaoui


This project is licensed under the MIT License