
A spending tracker built in Python, using a PostgreSQL database in the backend and using Telegram as the frontend, via the Telegram bot API

Primary LanguagePython

spndr - I.M. based spending tracker

A simple spending tracker that can be used from an instant messenger. Built using Python (Flask), PostgreSQL and Redis. Currently supports Telegram.

Table of Contents

Requirements and Setup

Software Requirements

  1. OS - Ubuntu Linux
  2. Python 3.8.5
  3. PostgreSQL 12.5
  4. Redis 6.0.9
  5. Ngrok 2.3.35

Python Dependencies

  1. flask
  2. flask-bcrypt
  3. email-validator
  4. psycopg2
  5. redis
  6. requests


  1. Make sure you have PostgreSQL and Redis installed and running in the background.
  2. Start an ngrok tunnel to your localhost on your preferred port, for example, a public url to port 5000 on your local host can be created as such:
./ngrok http 5000
  1. Copy the https forwarding link that is generated:
ngrok by @inconshreveable                                                                                                     (Ctrl+C to quit)
Session Status                online                                                                                                          
Account                       ##################### (Plan: Free)                                                                              
Version                       2.3.35                                                                                                          
Region                        United States (us)                                                                                              
Web Interface                                                                                                  
Forwarding                    http://############.ngrok.io -> http://localhost:5000                                                           
Forwarding                    https://############.ngrok.io -> http://localhost:5000                                                          
Connections                   ttl     opn     rt1     rt5     p50     p90                                                                     
                              0       0       0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00                                                                    
  1. create a file; config.py in the repo and add the following variables to it:
  • bot_token: A string containing the Telegram API key for the bot. Click this link to see how you can get an API key: https://core.telegram.org/#bot-api
  • user: A string containing the username of your PostgreSQL server.
  • password: A string containing the password of your PostgreSQL server.
  • host: the hostname (string) for telegram to push updates to via a webhook, should be localhost for now.
  • webhook_url: the url (string) obtained in step 4 from ngrok
  • webhook_port: the same port (integer) used in step 4
bot_token = 'bot API token here'
user = 'PostgreSQL server username here'
password = 'PostgreSQL password here'
host = 'localhost'
webhook_url = 'ngrok https link here'
webhook_port = 1234 #Replace 1234 with your port number
  1. Run db_reset.py to initiallize the Postgres database.
  2. Run initiallize_webhook.py to send telegram the webhook url which is the ngrok url generated in step 4
  3. Run webhook_endpoint_starter.py in the background
  4. Run main_webhook.py
  5. The app is up and running! Try sending your bot a message.


The operation of the bot is fairly simple. Whenever someone sends a message to the bot. Telegram forwards the message to us via the ngrok webhook url. On our localhost, the message is pushed into a Redis queue via the flask app defined in webhook_endpoint_starter.py . The message is popped out of the Redis queue and processes by main_webhook.py. Any necessary backend work is done and a reply is sent back to the sender on telegram. The above process continues in a loop.

Modules and Functionality

The app has 4 main modules that are called when main_webhook.py is run:

  • api_engine: This module contains the files that are required to set up the webhook, send replies to telegram and parse received updates from telegram.
  • app_engine: This module is the working brain of the app, the business logic of the app is defined here.
  • db_engine: This module contains the files necessary for interfacing with PostgreSQL databases and Redis.
  • replies_engine: This module contains the necessary templates for generating replies to send back to the telegram users.

If you have any questions about this project, message me on aymanimtyaz@gmail.com :)