Windows Active Directory penetration testing

Technical notes and list of tools, scripts and Windows commands that I find useful during internal penetration tests (Windows environment/Active Directory).
The output files included here are the results of tools, scripts and Windows commands that I ran against a vulnerable Windows AD lab that I created to test attacks/exploits and deliver hands-on penetration testing training sessions to security auditors at my job.

**** Classic internal penetration test methodology - Windows Active Directory attack paths ****


➤ Bypass MAC address filtering solution by using/spoofing the MAC address of a whitelisted device 
   (e.g. a printer, smart TV in meeting room)
➤ Hack the captive authentication portal used to control network access
➤ ...


The purpose of the reconnaissance phase is to gather as much as possible information about the target (Windows domains and internal network). It includes Windows domain(s) enumeration, DNS enumeration, targeted network scans...

1. Black-box penetration test (we start with no account)
➤ On our laptop connected to the LAN or Wifi, we run commands like 'ipconfig /all', 'ip a' and 'nslookup' to identify:
   - the IP address range of the user network (our laptop IP address is part of it)
   - the IP address range of a production (server) network/VLAN (thanks to the IP address of the DNS server which is usually also the IP address of a Domain Controller)
➤ Network sniffing
➤ Reconnaissance using DNS queries (e.g. reverse IP lookup, DNS zone transfer) and the naming convention of the hostnames
   - Domain Controllers have often a hostname like 'pr<bla>dc1', 'dv<bla>ad2', 'usdc02', 'prodfrdc3', etc.
   - Web servers have often a hostname like 'prweb01', 'wwwserver02', 'win2k16iis03', 'devJBOSS04', etc.
   - Database servers have often a hostname like 'sqlsrv01', 'prdbserver02', 'prodorasrv08', 'devmongodb14', etc. 
   - Citrix servers have often a hostname like 'prctxsrv1', 'printctx02', 'citrixsrv02', etc.
➤ Targeted network scans (e.g. Nmap and NSE scripts)
2. Grey-box penetration test (we start with 1 low-privileged Windows account)
➤ AD and Windows domain information gathering (enumerate accounts, groups, computers, ACLs, password policies, GPOs, Kerberos delegation, ...)
➤ Numerous tools and scripts can be used to enumerate a Windows domain
   - Windows native DOS and Powershell commands (e.g. 'net' commands, PowerShell ActiveDirectory module)
   - Sysinternals tools (e.g. ADexplorer.exe)
   - PowerView framework / SharpView
   - Powershell scripts like ADrecon.ps1
   - BloodHound 
   - PingCastle
   - ADCollector


The purpose of this phase is to gain (unauthorized) access to several internal systems (e.g. servers, file shares, databases) by exploiting common security issues such as: default/weak passwords, OS security misconfiguration, insecure network protocols and unpatched known vulnerabilities.

1. Black-box penetration test (we start with no account)
➤ LLMNR & NBT-NS poisonning attacks (tool: Responder) to collect NTLMv2 password hashes from the network + Offline password cracking (tools: John, hashcat)
➤ DNS poisoning attacks via IPv6 DHCP requests (tool: MITM6) to collect NTLMv2 password hashes from the network + Offline password cracking (tools: John, hashcat)
➤ NTLM relay attacks (tool: Ntlmrelayx) by exploiting vulnerabilities like PetitPotam and PrinterBug or poisonning attacks (LLMNR / NBT-NS / DNS & IPV6)
➤ Default/weak admin credentials for a software installed on a Windows server that will lead to a RCE
   - Web servers (e.g. Tomcat, WebLogic, JBoss) => Webshell upload
   - Jenkins, JIRA => OS command execution
   - CMS (e.g. WordPress) => Webshell upload
   - Databases (e.g. MSSQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Sybase) => OS command execution
   - SAP => OS command execution
➤ Windows password spray attacks (goal: find accounts protected by an easy guessable password or even a blank password / be careful not to lock accounts)
➤ Anonymous access to data storage spaces (e.g. FTP/TFTP/NFS) + Windows clear-text credentials hardcoded in scripts, logs and configuration files 
➤ Upload of malicious SCF or URL files to anonymously writable Windows network shares + collect NTLMv2 password hashes + Offline password cracking (tools: John, hashcat)
➤ Unpatched/obsolete systems prone to an unauthenticated Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerability with a public exploit available
   - Windows: MS17-010 (EternalBlue), CVE-2020-1472 (Zerologon, risky to run in a production environment), old MS08-067, ...
   - Web servers: WebLogic RCE (CVE-2020-14882, CVE-2022-21371, CVE-2019-2725), Apache Struts RCE (CVE-2017-9805), JBoss RCE (CVE-2017-12149), Java RMI RCE, ...
   - CMS: Telerik (CVE 2019-18935, CVE-2017-9248), Kentico (CVE-2019-10068), Drupal (DrupalGeddon2/CVE-2018-7600), DotNetNuke (CVE-2017-9822), ...
   - Citrix NetScaler: CVE-2020-8193, CVE-2019-19781
   - Atlassian software: Jira (CVE-2019-11581), Confluence (CVE-2022-26134)
   - Applications using the Java library Log4j: CVE-2021-44228 (Log4shell)
   - Outlook: ProxyLogon (CVE-2021-26855), ProxyNotShell (CVE-2022-41040, CVE-2022-41082)
2. Grey-box penetration test (we start with 1 low-privileged Windows account)
➤ All the attacks listed above in the 'black-box pentest' section
➤ Kerberoasting attack (request Kerberos TGS for services with an SPN and retrieve crackable hashes) + Offline password cracking (tools: John, hashcat)
➤ AS-REP Roasting attack (retrieve crackable hashes/encrypted TGT for users without kerberoast pre-authentication enabled) + Offline password cracking (tools: John, hashcat)
➤ Find clear-text passwords in files shared on Domain Shares, NAS, SharePoint sites, internal github accessible to all Domain users
➤ Find a Windows server that is insecurely sharing configuration files, cron job scripts and executable files with write permissions granted to all Domain users 
   + Privesc by adding a backdoor in a cron job script or modifying a configuration file, ...
➤ Upload of malicious SCF or URL files to Windows network shares (writable by any authenticated users) + collect NTLMv2 password hashes + Offline password cracking (tools: John, hashcat)
➤ Clear-text passwords stored in AD fields (e.g. account description, comments)
➤ Citrix servers accessible to all Domain users + Citrix jailbreak to get a Windows CMD or PowerShell console + Local privesc 
➤ WsuXploit attack – Compromising Windows machines via malicious Windows Update (i.e. tru to inject 'fake' updates into non-SSL WSUS traffic)
➤ Unpatched/obsolete systems prone to an authenticated Remote Code Execution vulnerability with a public exploit available 
   - Windows: 
     - noPAC / SamAccountName impersonation vulnerability (CVE-2021-42278/CVE-2021-42287), 
     - PrintNightmare (CVE-2021-1675 & CVE-2021-34527), 
     - KrbRelayUp local privesc technique, 
     - ADCS + PetitPotam + NLTM Relay technique (CVE-2021-44228), 
     - ...
   - Outlook: CVE-2020-0688
➤ ...


The purpose of the post-exploitation phase is to determine the value of the systems compromised during the previous phase (e.g. sensitivity of the data stored on it, usefulness in further compromising the network) and to escalate privileges to harvest credentials (e.g. to steal the password of a privileged account from the memory of a Windows server/laptop). During this phase, the system(s) compromised can be set-up as a pivot to reach machines that are located in other networks.

1. Windows local privilege escalation to become local administrator and/or "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM"
➤ Exploiting OS security misconfiguration 
   - weak service permissions (file & binpath)
   - service unquoted path
   - autorun and weak file permissions
   - weak registry permissions
   - dll hijacking
   - weak passwords and password re-use
   - clear-text passwords stored in scripts, unattended install files, configuration files (e.g. Web.config), ...
   - AlwaysInstallElevated trick
   - bring your own vulnerable driver
➤ Exploiting an unpatched local Windows vulnerability 
  (e.g. KrbrelayUp, PrintNightmare, SeriousSam/HiveNightmare, Windows Installer LPE, Juicy/Rotten/Hot Potato exploits, MS16-032, ...)

➤ Exploiting an unpatched vulnerability affecting a third party software running with high privileges
2. Bypassing Antivirus and EDR software
➤ Common AV bypass techniques
   - Use AMSI bypass techniques and obfuscated/encrypted offensive PowerShell scripts
   - Use as much as possible Windows native commands and the IT admin tools already installed on the target systems (to 'blend in' among the legitimate system administrators)
   - Regularly obfuscate and recompile your favorite (open source) hacking tools
   - Use PE and shellcode packers like NimCryptv2, Codecepticon, Pezor, ...
   - Write your own hacking tools (e.g. obfuscated/encrypted shellcode loader/exec into memory)
   - Run into memory encrypted C2 agents (e.g. Cobalt Strike (commercial), Metasploit (Open SOurce), Sliver (Open Source))
   - Temporarily disable or uninstall the AV or EDR (once you are local admin or Local System)
   - Temporarily add rules in the local Windows firewall (once you are local admin or NT System) that will prevent the AV software and/or EDR agents to send alerts to the AV and/or EDR central console
   - ...
2. Dumping Windows credentials from memory and registry hives (requires local admin priv)
➤ Dumping the registry hives (SAM, SYSTEM, SECURITY)
   - Reg save
   - Volume Sheradow Copy (VSSadmin)
   - SecretsDump (Impacket)
   - SharpSecDump
   - OLD/Legacy - pwdumpX
➤ Memory dumping of the LSASS process 
   - ProcDump (Sysinternals tool)
   - Task manager + "Create dump file" of lsass.exe
   - Process Explorer (Sysinternals tool) + "Create dump" of lsass.exe
   - Process Hacker + "Create dump file" of lsass.exe
   - SecretsDump (Impacket)
   - Mimikatz / Invoke-mimikatz.ps1
   - Dumping lsass with rundll32 and comsvcs.dll
   - HandleKatz
   - NanoDump
   - SQLDumper (included with Microsoft SQL) 
   - OLD/Legacy - WCE (Windows Credentials Editor)
   - ...

3. Dumping other credentials
   - The LaZagne application can be used to retrieve passwords stored in browsers, DBA tools (e.g. dbvis, SQLdevelopper) and Sysadmin tools (e.g. WinSCP, PuttyCM, OpenSSH, VNC, OpenVPN)
   - The script SessionGopher.ps1 can be used to find and decrypt saved session information for remote access tools (PuTTY, WinSCP, FileZilla, SuperPuTTY, RDP)
   - Dumping KeePass master password from memory using tools like 'Keethief' or 'KeePassHax'
   - Clear-text passwords hardcoded in scripts, configuration files (e.g. Web.config, tomcat-users.xml), backup files, log files, ...


The purpose of the lateral movement phase is to identify sensitive Windows servers and laptops on which the credentials of high privileged accounts (e.g. Domain admins) are stored in memory and then try to get access to them (for example by re-using the credentials harvested during the previous phase).

1. Network lateral movement techniques 
➤ Network lateral movement using RDP, PowerShell remoting (WinRM), WMIC, WMIexec, SMBexec, PsExec, SSH, ...
➤ Pass-The-Hash, Pass-The-Ticket and Over-Pass-The-Hash techniques 

2. Network pivoting techniques 
➤ Use a C2 post-exploitation agent (e.g. Meterpreter, Cobalt Strike) + SOCKS proxy + proxychains
➤ SSH tunnelling using Putty.exe or Plink.exe (e.g. local/remote port forwarding)
➤ Remote access tools such as TeamViewer and AnyDesk portable software, Chrome Remote Desktop, VNC, ...
➤ Tunneling/pivoting tools like Rpivot, Ligolo, Socat, ...
➤ Pivoting with TCP tunnelling over HTTP via Webshells (e.g. Tunna webshell, fulcrom webshell, reGeorg and neo-reGeorg client/webshell)
3. 'Domain Admins' credentials hunting
➤ Windows native commands (e.g. 'qwinsta /server:hostname' OR 'query user /server:hostname')
➤ PowerView and various PowerShell scripts (e.g. Invoke-UserHunter, Get-NetLoggedon, ADrecon)
➤ Windows Sysinternals command-line tool 'PsLoggedOn' (i.e. psloggedon.exe \\computername username)
➤ BloodHound

STEP 6. WINDOWS DOMAIN COMPROMISE (Privilege escalation to become "Domain Admin") 💉🧑🏼‍💻

The purpose of this phase is to take full control over the target Windows domain.

➤ Dumping from a Windows server's memory the clear-text password (or hash) of an acccount member of the group 'Domain Admins' or 'Administrators' of the Domain Controller
➤ Exploiting AD / Windows domain security misconfiguration
   - abusing weak ACL or GPO permissions, 
   - abusing LAPS misconfiguration, 
   - exploiting password reuse issues
     > the same password is used to protect multiple high privileged accounts and low-privileged accounts, 
     > the same password is used to protect the default local administrator account of the Windows servers and the Domain Controllers (i.e. no hardening, no LAPS)
➤ Compromise an account member of the default security group 'DNSAdmins' and take over the Windows domain by executing a DLL as 'NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM' on the Domain Controller (known privesc)
➤ Compromise an account member of the default security groups 'Backup Operators' or 'Server Operators' and take over the Windows domain by backuping the NTDS.dit file and HKLM\SYSTEM and then extracting the password hash of 'Domain admins' accounts (known privesc)
➤ Compromise an account member of the default security group 'Account Operators' that can be used to privesc and take over the Windows domain (known privesc)
➤ Find a backup/snapshot of a Windows Domain Controller on a NAS/FTP/Share and extract the password hashes (NTDS.DIT + SYSTEM) of high privileged acccounts (e.g. Domain Admins, Enterprise Admins, krbtgt account)
➤ Abusing Microsoft Exchange for privilege escalation ('PrivExchange' vulnerability)
➤ Exploiting an unpatched vulnerability on a DC with a public exploit available (e.g. CVE-2020-1472  Zerologon, risky to run in a production environment)
➤ Hack the Hypervisor (e.g. vCenter) on which the Domain Controllers are running, then perform a snapshot of the DCs, copy/download their memory dump files (.vmsn & .vmem) and finally extract the password hashes of high privileged acccounts (e.g. Domain Admins, Administrators of DC, krbtgt account)
➤ Kerberos Unconstrained Delegation attack (+ Printer Bug or PetitPotam)
➤ Kerberos Constrained Delegation attack
➤ Kerberos Resource-based Constrained Delegation attack
➤ ...

STEP 7. FOREST ROOT DOMAIN COMPROMISE (Privilege escalation to become "Enterprise Admin") 💉🧑🏼‍💻

The purpose of this phase is to take full control over the Forest root domain and all the other domains in the target network.

➤ Post-exploitation AD
  - Dump, extract and crack the password hashes of all the Windows domain accounts (file 'NTDS.DIT' + SYSTEM registry hive)
➤ Persistence techniques
   - Use of the KRBTGT account’s password hash to create of a Kerberos Golden ticket
   - Add temporarily an account in a default AD security group such as 'Domain Admins', 'BUILTIN\Administrators' or 'Account Operators' 
   - Keep temporarily the password hash of a highly-privileged service account (e.g. Domain Admin) with a password that never expire
   - Modify temporarily ACLs
➤ Take over the Forest root domain
   - Forge a Kerberos Golden Ticket (TGT) with a 'SID History' for the Forest 'Enterprise Admins' group
   - Forge an inter-realm trust ticket (cross-domain trust kerberos ticket) and then create TGS for the services LDAP/CIFS/HOST/... in the parent domain 
➤ Take over other Windows domains due to password re-use across domains for high privileged accounts
➤ Take over other Windows domains thanks to AD Forest Trusts and/or misconfiguration (e.g. the group 'Domain Admins' of the domain A is member of the group 'Domain Admins' of the domain B) 
➤ ...


  1. Windows Sysinternals (e.g. adexplorer, procdump, procmon, autorun)
  2. Windows native DOS commands (e.g. net commands, nltest) and PowerShell commands (including AD module)
  3. ADRecon - Active Directory gathering information tool
  4. ADCollector - Tool to quickly extract valuable information from the AD environment for both attacking and defending
  5. PingCastle - Active Directory security audit tool
  6. BloodHound - Tool to easily identify complex Windows domain attack paths
  7. Impacket (e.g.,, - Python offensive security framework
  8. Rubeus - Toolset for raw Kerberos interaction and abuses
  9. Responder - LLMNR/NBTNS/mDNS poisoner and NTLMv1/2 relay
  10. Mimikatz - Extract plaintexts passwords, hash, PIN code and kerberos tickets from memory
  11. Powercat - PowerShell TCP/IP swiss army knife like netcat
  12. PowerSploit (incl. PowerView & PowerUp) - PowerShell offensive security framework
  13. PowerSharpPack - Many usefull offensive CSharp Projects wraped into Powershell for easy usage
  14. Invoke-TheHash - It contains PowerShell functions for performing pass-the-hash WMI and SMB tasks
  15. CrackMapExec - Swiss army knife for pentesting Windows networks
  16. - It generates obfuscated PowerShell snippets that break or disable AMSI for the current process
  17. Nimcrypt2 - .NET, PE and raw shellcode packer/loader designed to bypass AV/EDR
  18. ACLight - A tool for advanced discovery of privileged accounts including Shadow Admins
  19. ADACLScanner - A tool with GUI used to create reports of access control lists (DACLs) and system access control lists (SACLs) in Active Directory
  20. Liza - Active Directory Security, Permission and ACL Analysis
  21. Metasploit penetration testing framework
  22. Sliver - Open source cross-platform adversary emulation/red team framework
  23. LAPSToolkit - LAPS auditing for pentesters
  24. PrivescCheck.ps1 - This script aims to enumerate common Windows configuration issues that can be leveraged for local privilege escalation
  25. Seatbelt - C# project that performs a number of security oriented host-survey "safety checks" relevant from both offensive & defensive security perspectives
  26. Juicy potato exploit
  27. Rotten potato exploit
  28. Hydra - Online password bruteforce tool
  29. John the Ripper - Offline password cracker
  30. Hashcat - Offline password cracker
  31. Enum4linux - Tool for enumerating information from Windows and Samba systems
  32. Vulnerability scanners (e.g. OpenVAS, Nessus, Qualys, Nexpose, ...)
    ( ( ( (
  33. NMAP - Network port scanner and (NSE) scripts
  34. Various KALI tools & scripts
  35. Various tools & scripts (source:Github/your owns)


➤ ADsecurity website (
➤ MITRE (;
➤ GitHub - swisskyrepo/PayloadsAllTheThings (
➤ GitHub -
➤ Att&cking Active Directory for fun and profit (
➤ Windows / Linux Local Privilege Escalation Workshop (
➤ CIS benchmarks (
➤ ...