To run the game, open a terminal, and go to Dogplay Directory, then run command "./bin/Dogplay"
Move the dog by using the keyboard arrows to reach the ball and avoid the black arrows
Whenever you catch the ball your score increases and if you get touched by an arrow your score decreases
If your score is less than minScore then you lose
You can use bombs by pressing the space bar, a bomb stops all arrows and lets you touch them for bombsDuration seconds, but You have only numberOfBombs bombs
You can change some constants such as numberOfArrows, dogSpeed, numberOfBombs in Dogplay/src/main.cxx file. Then use the command "make all" then "./bin/Dogplay" (be sure to be in Dogplay directory !).
This project is made for Linux, so If you're on windows then replace libraries in Dogplay/lib folder by the specific SFML libraries of Windows, also change the Makefile so that the commands will be adapted to your OS.
Have fun !