Mock Shop is a simple shopping server.
- Server side Framework: Nodejs/Express
- Linting: ESLint
- Style Guide: Airbnb
- Testing: Mocha Chai
- DB: Postgres
- Sequelize ORM
- Documentation: Swagger
- Hosting: Heroku
- Validation: Joi
- Compiler - Babel
The API is well documented with Swagger at
This API is hosted on heroku server
To run this application in development mode, you'll need Node.js (which comes with npm) installed on your computer. From your command line:
- Enters the project directory
- Use the .env.sample file as a guide to the add necessary environment variables to .env file.
- Run
npm install
to install all dependencies. - Run
npm run db:migrate
to setup your database. - You can as well run
npm run db:rollback
to migrate and automatically seed the database with data. - Run
npm start:dev
to start the development server and points your API testing tool to localhost:5000.
- User can Sign Up.
POST /api/v1/auth/signup
- User can Sign in.
POST /api/v1/auth/login
- Admin can add a Product.
POST /api/v1/products/
- Admin can delete a Product.
DELETE /api/v1/products/<productId>
- Admin can edit a Product.
PATCH /api/v1/products/<productId>
- Users/Admin can see all products.
GET /api/v1/products
- Users can add product to a Cart.
POST /api/v1/products/<productId>/cart
- A user can see product in his/her cart.
GET /api/v1/cart
- User can delete a product from his/her cart.
DELETE /api/v1/products/<productId>/cart
Automated tests are available for a few endpoints. You can run the test script after you are through with the project installation.
- Run
npm test
to run the script and see the test coverage.
The API endpoints should respond with a JSON object specifying the HTTP status code, and either a data property (on success) or an error property (on failure).
// Sucess
"status": 'success',
"data": {...}
// Failure
"status": 'error',
"error": 'endpoint-error-message'
These specifications are only a guide to aid in developing the application. You have the freedom to come up with your own specifications, as long as the API functions properly and returns appropriate responses.
// user
"id": INTEGER,
"firstName": STRING,
"lastName": STRING,
"email": STRING,
"password": STRING,
"isAdmin": BOOLEAN,
// product
"id": INTEGER,
"name": STRING,
"description": STRING,
"category": STRING, // clothes, electronics, book
"price": FLOAT,
"imageUrl": STRING,
"inStock": BOOLEAN,
// cart
"id": INTEGER,
"productId": INTEGER, //association with
"userId": INTEGER, //association with