SecurityTools - RepoScanner

This tool can be used to create a database of artifacts available in given set of source repositories. Gathered information will include:

  • Repository Type
  • Repository Name
  • Repository URL
  • Tag Name
  • Tag Download URL (ZIP)
  • Artifact ID
  • Group ID
  • Packaging
  • Version
  • Maven Final Name
  • Path of Artifact within Repository

Note: This repository is under active development.



  • GitHub

Build Configuration

  • Maven


  • JDBC


mvn clean install 


Note: Passwords and OAuth2 Tokens are requested as command line inputs.

-----                                       -----
-----          Repository Scanner           -----
-----                                       -----
Usage: Repo Scanner [options]
      OAuth token used to access GitHub
      Comma separated list of GitHub user accounts to scan
      Maven home (if environment variables are not set)
      Storage used in storing final results (Options: JDBC) (Default: JDBC)
      Database driver class (Default: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver)
      Database connection URL (Default: jdbc:mysql://localhost/RepoScanner)
      Database username (Default: root)
      Database password
      Database Hibernate dialect (Default: org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect)
    -verbose, -v
      Verbose output
      Default: false
    -debug, -d
      Verbose + Debug output for debugging requirements
      Default: false
    --help, -help, -?

      Drop and create JDBC tables
      Default: false
      Rescan repo-tag combinaions even if they are already indexed. (Default:
      Default: false
      Download master branches of all repositories locally
      Default: false
      Download all tags of all repositories locally
      Default: false
      Skip scanning process. Usable when -downloadMaster and -downloadTag
      options are required without scanning.
      Default: false

Usage Examples

Scan GIT all repositories from "wso2" and "wso2-extensions" GitHub account

java -jar RepoScanner-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -git.oauth2 -jdbc.password -jdbc.username MySQLUser -git.users wso2,wso2-extensions

Skip the scanning process and download source code from master branches of all repositories from "wso2" and "wso2-extensions" GitHub account.

java -jar RepoScanner-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -git.oauth2 -jdbc.password -jdbc.username MySQLUser -git.users wso2,wso2-extensions -skipScan -downloadMaster

Skip the scanning process and download source code from master branches and tags of all repositories from "wso2" and "wso2-extensions" GitHub account.

java -jar RepoScanner-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -git.oauth2 -jdbc.password -jdbc.username MySQLUser -git.users wso2,wso2-extensions -skipScan -downloadMaster -downloadTags