
Escapes and Unescapes strings into safe literals.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Escapes and Unescapes strings into safe literals.

Based on ES2015, these special characters will be escaped by default (unless setting excludes option):

  • "
  • '
  • `
  • \
  • \b
  • \f
  • \n
  • \r
  • \t
  • \u2028
  • \u2029

The escaped strings are very alike with the strings that JSON.stringify produces, but with support of extra characters `, \u2089 and \u2029.



npm i safe-string-literal


import { escape, unescape } from "https://deno.land/x/safe_string_literal/index.js";
// Or
import { escape, unescape } from "https://gtihub.com/ayonli/safe-string-literal/raw/master/index.js";


  • escape(str: string, excludes?: string | string[]): string
  • unescape(str: string): string

Example (Node.js)

/* global describe, it */
"use strict";

const assert = require("assert");
const { escape, unescape } = require("safe-string-literal");

var inputs = [
    "string' with' single' quotes",
    'string" with" double" quotes',
    "string` with` back` quotes",
    "string\\ with\\ backslashes",
    "string\b with\b backspaces",
    "string\f with\f from\f feed\f char",
    "string\n with\n new\n line\n char",
    "string\r with\r return\r char",
    "string\t with\t tab\t char",
    "string\u2028 with\u2028 unicode\u2028 2028",
    "string\u2029 with\u2029 unicode\u2029 2029",
    "a' string\" contains` all\\ characters\b that\f should\n be\r escaped\t, with\u2028 no\u2029 exceptions",
    "a' string\" contains` all\\ characters\b that\f should\n be\r escaped\t, with\u2028 one\u2029 exception",
    "a' string\" contains` all\\ characters\b that\f should\n be\r escaped\t, with\u2028 several\u2029 exceptions",
    "another' string\" contains` all\\ characters\b that\f should\n be\r escaped\t, with\u2028 several\u2029 exceptions"
var outputs = [
    "string\\' with\\' single\\' quotes",
    'string\\" with\\" double\\" quotes',
    "string\\` with\\` back\\` quotes",
    "string\\\\ with\\\\ backslashes",
    "string\\b with\\b backspaces",
    "string\\f with\\f from\\f feed\\f char",
    "string\\n with\\n new\\n line\\n char",
    "string\\r with\\r return\\r char",
    "string\\t with\\t tab\\t char",
    "string\\u2028 with\\u2028 unicode\\u2028 2028",
    "string\\u2029 with\\u2029 unicode\\u2029 2029",
    "a\\' string\\\" contains\\` all\\\\ characters\\b that\\f should\\n be\\r escaped\\t, with\\u2028 no\\u2029 exceptions",
    "a' string\\\" contains\\` all\\\\ characters\\b that\\f should\\n be\\r escaped\\t, with\\u2028 one\\u2029 exception",
    "a' string\" contains\\` all\\\\ characters\\b that\\f should\\n be\\r escaped\\t, with\\u2028 several\\u2029 exceptions",
    "another\\' string\" contains` all\\\\ characters\\b that\\f should\\n be\\r escaped\\t, with\\u2028 several\\u2029 exceptions"

describe("Escape", () => {
    it("should escape strings and produce expected results", () => {
        for (let i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
            if (i === 12) {
                assert.strictEqual(escape(inputs[i], "'"), outputs[i]);
            } else if (i === 13) {
                assert.strictEqual(escape(inputs[i], "'\""), outputs[i]);
            } else if (i === 14) {
                assert.strictEqual(escape(inputs[i], "\"`"), outputs[i]);
            } else {
                assert.strictEqual(escape(inputs[i]), outputs[i]);

describe("Unescape", () => {
    it("should unescape strings and produce expected results", () => {
        for (let i = 0; i < outputs.length; i++) {
            assert.strictEqual(unescape(outputs[i]), inputs[i]);