
PHP Library for the Paystack API

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Yet another PHP API wrapper for Paystack.

Packagist License

This library aims to provide convenient access to the Paystack API using predefined services grouped following the Paystack API Docs. These service classes initialize defined Resources dynamically from API responses.


  • PHP 7.1+


via Composer

To install the package via Composer, run the following command:

composer require ayoolatj/paystack-php


Dependencies should be handled automatically by composer.


Using the paystack instance, you can perform multiple actions across several services as well as retrieve different resources.

$paystack = new \Ayoolatj\Paystack\Paystack(PAYSTACK_SECRET_KEY);
try {
    $charge = $paystack->charge->charge([
        'email' => 'test@example.com',
        'amount' => '1000000',
        'bank' => ['code' => '057', 'account_number' => '0000000000'],
        'birthday' => '1994-07-04',
} catch (\Ayoolatj\Paystack\Exceptions\ApiException $e) {
// process Charge resource

Accessing Resource Attributes

You can access the resource attributes via toArray().

$plan = $paystack->plans->create([
    'name' => 'New Plan',
    'amount' => '1000000',
    'interval' => 'biannually'

Accessing response data

You can access the data from the last API response on any resource object via getLastResponse().

$charge = $paystack->charge->charge([
    'email' => 'test@example.com',
    'amount' => '1000000',
    'bank' => ['code' => '057', 'account_number' => '0000000000'],
    'birthday' => '1994-07-04',
echo $charge->getLastResponse()->headers['Date'];


All services with a list endpoint support pagination and pagination parameters can be passed along to limit the result set.

$plans = $paystack->plans->all([
    'perPage' => 20,
    'page' => 2,


List endpoints return an instance of a Paginator class which supports auto-pagination. This makes it easy to handle fetching multi page lists without having to manually paginate results and perform subsequent requests.

To use the auto-pagination feature, call autoPagingIterator() on the returned Paginator object to iterate over all objects matching your initial parameters.

$plans = $paystack->plans->all([
    'perPage' => 20,
    'page' => 2,

foreach ($plans->autoPagingIterator() as $plan) {
  // Do something with $plan


Paystack uses webhooks to notify your application when transaction events occur on your integration. It is important to verify that events originate from Paystack to avoid delivering value based on a counterfeit event.

To verify a paystack event:

$input = @file_get_contents('php://input');
$paystack_signature = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_PAYSTACK_SIGNATURE'];

try {
    \Ayoolatj\Paystack\Webhook::verifyEvent($input, $paystack_signature, PAYSTACK_SECRET_KEY);
} catch (\Ayoolatj\Paystack\Exceptions\SignatureVerificationException $e) {
    $input = $e->getHttpBody();
    $header = $e->getSigHeader();




  • Authorization Resource
  • Roundup tests
  • Metadata builder
  • Clean up readme
  • Non composer loader