Example code that returns tracks from a sample and dummy music library database.
The sqlite database named "Db_MusicTrack.db" in the root directory contains two(2) tables tbl_track and tbl_genres. A foreign key/Many-1 relationship exists on the tbl_track table through [tbl_track].id and [tbl_genres].id.
- The code connects with the sqlite database named "Db_MusicTrack.db" in the root directory of the application using ODBC.
- Query returns music tracks from the music library database.
- Selected data includes track artist, title, genre, and duration and only tracks from the last year and in the order of artist and title ascending.
Music Library
- Has a method named GetMusicTracks that returns a list of tracks for a given genre. It also validates for zero duration tracks and prevent from being returned.
- Test done on the GetMusicTracks method and returns tracks with matching genre. Returns no tracks with zero duration.
Web Page
- Displays a list of music tracks using Html and Bootstrap.
Project is created with:
- .Net Core 3.1
- ODBC Connection
- Sqlite
- Boostrap
To run this project,
- Install .NET Core 3.1 locally
- Clone/download the project and launch locally using visual studio code or visual studio
- Open terminal on the project directory and run dotnet run