
Get Next Line (42cursus). This project aims to create a function that, allows to read a line ending with a newline character ('\n') from a file descriptor.

Primary LanguageC

Get Next Line (GNL) 🚜

Reading a line on a fd is way too tedious

💡 About the project

This project will not only allow you to add a very convenient function to your collection, but it will also allow you to learn a highly interesting new concept in C programming: "static variables".

You will understand how files are opened, read and closed in an OS,
and how they are interpreted by a programming language for further analysis.
This task is crucial to understand for a future programmer since much of the time is based
on manipulating files for data management and persistence.
This project consists of coding a function that returns one line at a time from a text file.

For more detailed information, look at the subject of this project.The aim of this project is to make you code a function that returns a line ending with a newline, read from a file descriptor.

Function Prototype

char *get_next_line(int fd);

🛠️ Compilation


The function is written in C language and thus needs the gcc compiler and some standard C libraries to run.


1. Using it in your code

To use the function in your code, simply include its header:

#include "get_next_line.h"

and, when compiling your code, add the source files and the required flag:

gcc get_next_line.c get_next_line_utils.c -D BUFFER_SIZE=<size>