
basics of computer-related mathematics with Boolean Algebra and Sets Theory

Primary LanguageRust

Ready Set Boole

Key Concepts

  • Boolean algebra
  • Set Theory
  • Space filling curves
  • Half adder, Full adder
  • Karnaugh map
  • Gray code
  • Truth Tables
  • Reverse polish form notation
  • Negation normal form
  • Conjunctive normal form
  • Boolean satisfiability problem (SAT)
  • Hilbert Curve
  • Groups mathematical structure
  • Morphisms

Boolean algebra

Boolean algebra is a branch of mathematics that deals with variables that have two distinct values: true (1) and false (0). Named after George Boole, it is fundamental in digital logic design and computer science.

Set Theory

Set theory is a fundamental branch of mathematics that studies collections of objects

Gray code

Gray code, or reflected binary code, is a binary numeral system where two successive values differ in only one bit. It’s commonly used in digital systems to prevent errors during the transition between consecutive values. gray_code(n) = n ^ (n >> 1)

Negation normal form and Conjunctive normal form

Negation Normal Form (NNF) and Conjunctive Normal Form (CNF) are ways to standardize logical expressions in Boolean algebra.


  • Negations is directly applied to variables.
  • The expression uses only AND and OR operators besides NOT.
  • ¬(A⋅B)=¬A+¬B


  • An expression that is a conjunction (AND) of one or more clauses, where each clause is a disjunction (OR) of literals (variables or their negations). Example:

$$ (A1​+B1​+¬C1​)⋅(A2​+¬B2​+C2​)⋅…⋅(An​+Bn​+Cn​) $$

Boolean satisfiability problem (SAT)

  • The Boolean satisfiability problem (SAT) is a fundamental problem in computer science and mathematical logic. It involves determining whether there exists an assignment of truth values (true or false) to variables that makes a given Boolean formula true.
  • SAT is NP-complete

Space filling curves

  • Space-filling curves are mathematical constructs that map a one-dimensional line into a higher-dimensional space, such as a plane or a volume, in a continuous manner.

  • hilbert curve

How to run

install rust => https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install

cargo test [test_name] -- --nocapture

cargo run --release
