Curated list of learning resources for Angular, from complete beginner to advanced level. Everything you need to learn in chronological order to become a professional Angular developer.
- JavaScript ES6 tutorial
- Principles of functional programming in JavaScript
- Functional Programming with JavaScript
- Official Documentation
- Official Handbook
- TS deepdive Gitbook by Basarat Syed
- Object Oriented Programming with TypeScript
- Functional programming with TypeScript
- Getting started official tutorial
- Official Docs
- Components & Templates
- Component interaction
- Structural Directives
- Dependency Injection & Services
- Programming Style guide
- Introduction to RxJS - RxJS Primer
- The introduction to reactive programming with RxJS
- RxJS Video Course
- Learn RxJS - Organised API Reference
- RxMarbles: Interactive diagrams of Rx Observables
- RxJS Docs
- Managing projects with Angular CLI
- Angular HTTP Client
- Reactive Forms
- Angular Routing & Navigation
- Angular Material Component Library
- Nebular Component Library
- Testing
- Simple and powerful state management with only Services and RxJS (for 90% of cases, this method of state management is more than enough)
- NGRX - Angular state management library
- Quick intro to Redux style state management with NGRX
- State management with NGRX tutorial
- In depth introduction to NGRX/Redux state management
- NGRX advanced patterns & techniques
- Performance guide for Angular apps
- Optimizing performance in Angular apps
- OnPush change detection strategy in details
- Angular Udemy video Course from, beginner to Pro level (~$10)
- Angular Firebase - Quick short tutorials on advanced topics
- Angular MIX - Youtube Channel
- Todd Motto - Youtube Channel
- Angular Connect - Youtube Channel
- Free Angular courses from Coursetro - YouTube
- Todd Motto - Blog
- Angular Subreddit
- Angular In Depth - Advanced understanding of inner workings
- Netanel Basal - Advanced Practical Tutorials
- Full Stack Contacts Book example app (Components, Services, Routing, Http, Forms, Lazy loading, Sockets, NGRX State management, NGRX HTTP+Socket.IO Side Effects management, NGRX Entity management...)