Responsive UI in Flutter: Step-by-Step Implementation

In this article, we will explore how to create a responsive UI in Flutter using the provided code. We'll cover the basics of responsive design, introduce the Responsive class, and demonstrate how to use it to create responsive widgets in Flutter. By the end of this article, you'll have a clear understanding of how to make your Flutter apps adapt to different screen sizes and orientations.

What is Responsive Design?

Responsive design is an approach to web and app development that ensures the user interface (UI) adjusts and looks great on various screen sizes and devices. With the increasing number of device types and screen resolutions, responsive design has become essential to provide a seamless user experience.

In Flutter, responsive design involves using flexible and adaptive layouts and widgets that can adjust their size and position based on the available screen real estate.

The Responsive Class

The provided code includes a Responsive class, which encapsulates various methods to help create responsive UIs in Flutter. Let's go through the code step-by-step and understand its functionality.

Step 1: Importing Dependencies

The code starts with importing the required Flutter packages, mainly the flutter/material.dart package.

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

Step 2: Defining the Responsive Class

The Responsive class is defined as an immutable class with several properties and methods to handle responsiveness.

class Responsive {
  final BuildContext context;
  final double deviceHeight;
  final double deviceWidth;
  // ...

The class contains three properties:

  • context: A required parameter of type BuildContext that represents the context in which the widget is built.
  • deviceHeight: A double value representing the height of the device's screen.
  • deviceWidth: A double value representing the width of the device's screen.

Step 3: Singleton Pattern Implementation

The class includes a static instance variable _instance and a private constructor _() to implement the Singleton pattern. This ensures that there is only one instance of the Responsive class throughout the application.

static Responsive? _instance;

Responsive._({required this.context})
    : deviceHeight = MediaQuery.sizeOf(context).height,
      deviceWidth = MediaQuery.sizeOf(context).width;

factory Responsive.getInstance({
  required BuildContext context,
}) {
  _instance ??= Responsive._(
    context: context,
  return _instance!;

Why MediaQuery.sizeOf(context) not MediaQuery.of(context).size

Feature MediaQuery.sizeOf(context) MediaQuery.of(context).size
When does it rebuild? Only when the size of the media changes Whenever the MediaQueryData changes
What does it return? The size of the media at the time of the last rebuild The size of the media at the time of the call
Performance More performant, as it only rebuilds when necessary Less performant, as it rebuilds more often

In general, you should use MediaQuery.sizeOf(context) if you only care about the size of the media, and you don't want your widget to rebuild unnecessarily. You should use MediaQuery.of(context).size if you need to know the size of the media at all times, even if it doesn't change.

The getInstance factory method is used to retrieve the instance of the Responsive class. It takes the BuildContext as a required parameter and returns the existing instance if it already exists or creates a new one otherwise.

Step 4: Helper Methods for Responsiveness

The Responsive class provides various helper methods to handle responsiveness:

  • screenSize: Returns a Size object representing the size of the screen.
  • screenPadding: Returns an EdgeInsets object representing the padding of the screen.
  • setWidth: Calculates the width of a widget based on the device's width and the desired width.
  • setHeight: Calculates the height of a widget based on the device's height and the desired height.
  • setFontSize: Scales the font size based on the device's screen size and text scale factor.

The class also includes methods to handle padding and margin calculations from all sides, as well as specific sides (left, right, top, bottom).

Step 5: Extensions for Concise Usage

To make the usage of the Responsive class more concise and readable, the code includes several extension methods. These extensions allow you to call the responsiveness methods directly on numerical values (e.g., double, int).

For example, instead of calling:

Responsive.getInstance(context: context).setWidth(width: 20);

You can use the extension method:


The code includes extensions for width, height, text scale factor, device pixel ratio, font size, padding, margin, radius, and more.

Step 6: Implementing Responsive Widgets

To create a responsive UI using the Responsive class, follow these steps:

  1. Import the file where the Responsive class is defined.
import 'responsive.dart';
  1. Use the responsive instance to make your widgets responsive by using the helper methods or the provided extensions.
  width: 100.sW(context),
  height: 50.sH(context),
  padding: 10.sP(context),
  margin: 20.sM(context),
  decoration: BoxDecoration(
    borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10.sR(context)),
  child: Text(
    'Responsive Container',
    style: TextStyle(fontSize: 20.sF(context)),

By utilizing the Responsive class and extensions, you can ensure that your widgets adapt to various screen sizes and devices automatically.


In this article, we learned about responsive design and explored how to implement a responsive UI in Flutter using the provided Responsive class. By using this class and the extensions, you can easily make your widgets adapt to different screen sizes and providing a seamless user experience across various devices.


Orientation Implementation Coming Soon