Z80-Retro! I2C/SPI Master Interface Board & Driver Library
An addon I2C/SPI master interface board that uses the Z80-Retro! parallel printer port and a bit-banged driver library to interact with the I2C/SPI ports. KiCad design files are also included.
i2cspi_lib.asm - This driver library includes all necessary routines to communicate with I2C and SPI hardware devices using the Z80-Retro! parallel port. Extensive comments and protocol descriptions are provided to help understand the library. The library requires the retromon.sym symbol table from the z80-retro-monitor project.
An I2C/SPI master interface board using bit-bang techniques and utilizes the Z80-Retro! parallel printer port. The PCB design includes 4 I2C ports and 4 SPI ports. The I2C ports are all common and the SPI ports include 4 individual chip select (CS) lines. Requires +5vdc be connected from the Z80-Retro! or an external power supply.
- Set the ACTIVE LED on the I2C/SPI interface board on or off
- Initialize I2C status variables and the Z80-Retro! PRN_DAT port
- Initiate I2C communication with a START condition
- Stop I2C communication with a STOP condition
- Send a bit over the I2C bus
- Read a bit on the I2C bus
- Send a byte to the I2C bus
- Read a byte from the I2C bus
- Send a byte stream to the I2C bus
- Read a byte stream from the I2C bus
- Initialize the SPI MODE, bit transfer order and the Z80-Retro! PRN_DAT port
- Send 8 bits to the SPI port and discard the received data
- Read 8 bits from the SPI port
- Assert the select line initialized in SPI_INIT (CS1 - CS4) supported
- De-assert the select line initialized in SPI_INIT (CS1 - CS4) supported
- Send a stream of bytes to the SPI port
- Read a stream of bytes from the SPI port
Several example routines are included to test the various functions. Everything is heavily commented explaining the library routines and how to use them. These include:
- ad_test.asm - test a NXP Semiconductors PCF8591 I2C A/D-D/A converter
- eeprom_test.asm - test a generic 24C256 I2C EEPROM
- gpio_test.asm - test a NXP Semiconductors PCF8574 I2C 8-bit GPIO expander
- led_test.asm - test an Analog Devices MAX7219 LED driver in SPI mode 0
- oled_test.asm - test a generic SSD1306 128x64 SPI 0.96" OLED display
- spi_test.asm - test an Analog Devices ADXL345 accelerometer in SPI mode 3
Kenny Maytum - KRSynthWorx
- v1.0 - Driver Library
- Initial Public Release
- v2.0 - KiCad Design Files
- Initial Public Release
This project is licensed under the [GNU Lesser General Public License] - see the LICENSE file for details
Inspiration, code snippets, libraries, etc.