
Animate your text changes

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Animate your text changes


Edit r03264p26n


npm install react-text-transition

Using the demo

npm run dev

How to use


import React, { Component } from "react";
import TextTransition       from "react-text-transition";

class App extends Component {
  static texts = [

  state = { active : 0 };

  componentDidMount() {
    setInterval(() => {
      this.setState({ active : this.state.active + 1 });
    }, 5000);

  render() {
    return (
          text={ App.texts[this.state.active % App.texts.length] }


Prop Type Default Definition
text String REQUIRED The text you want to show.
order Number 0 Used to determine the direction of the transition.
inline Boolean false Makes the wrapper inline (will auto resize based on contents).
delay Number 0 Delay the transition of the text (in milliseconds).
spring Object { stiffness : 170, damping : 26 } React-Motion's spring configuration.
overflow Boolean false Setting this to false will make the transitioning text appear clipped (Will simply set overflow : hidden on the wrapper).
className String "" Any css classes that you might want to send to the wrapper.
style Object {} Any styles that you might want to send to the wrapper.

Detailed Props

text String

Changing this prop triggers the transition.

order Number

Used to determine the direction from which the new text is shown. if the order of the new text is bigger than the one before it, the transition will be bottom-to-top, this is the default transition it'll be used if no order prop was provided, and the opposite happens if the order of the new text is less than the one before it, aka top-to-bottom.

inline Boolean

Will simply make the wrapper an inline element and animate its width based on currently showing text, this is useful if you want to show some other static text on the same line.

delay Number

The amount of miliseconds to wait before transitioning.

spring Object

React-Motion's Spring configuration, you can also use the Spring Parameters Chooser to help you pick your preferred spring config. React-Motion's spring presets for {stiffness, damping} are provided with the plugin.

  import TextTransition, { presets } from "react-text-transition";

  // in your render method
    text={ this.state.text }
    spring={ presets.wobbly }

There're 4 presets

  • noWobble The default.
  • gentle
  • wobbly
  • stiff

overflow Boolean

The default value false will make the text appear clipped while the transition happens (takes less area), it will simply set overflow to hidden on the animation wrapper, set to true if you want the text to overflow.

className String

Any css classes that you might want to provide to the wrapper.

style Object

Any css styles that you might want to provide to the wrapper.


Feel free to ask any questions about using this plugin. This plugin requires react.