
Empty Div, no share buttons visible

Closed this issue · 7 comments

I installed the plugin, enabled twig processing, and inserted {{ sharer() }} into my blog's item, but the output was just an empty div:

<div class="sharer-buttons-toolbar clearfix ">

Did I miss a step?

In short sharer() function loop buttons from plugin configuration. In your sharer.yml file, how's your buttons: array parameter? Is it empty?
If not probably there's a problem with caches. I'll do an update next days to ignore cache and also fix other bugs I found.

I have Facebook enabled at least, and I did hit the "Clear Cache" button on the far left of the admin panel

I haven't been able to reproduce your bug. There's a new release 1.1 which doesn't store anything in cache because it wasn't necessary. Grav already cache all plugins and theme configurations into PHP objects.

Let me know if that update fixed your issue. Otherwise I will need more information about your other installed plugins, system, grav options, etc.

That didn't fix it, I updated grav & the plugin and cleared the cache. I'll dig around the yml's and get a little more in depth and circle back with what I find.

Long time ago since you found this error... Latest release 1.2.2 doesn't solve your 'empty div' yet?

I ran the plugin updater, and still no luck. If you look at the source here, this is all that comes out:

<div class="sharer-buttons-toolbar clearfix ">

I was in a reverse proxy so it was trying to connect to localhost. I fixed it by setting custom_base_url to https://example.com in user/config/system.yaml