PROJECT TITLE: AP CSA Assignment 1 (An interactive seating chart using Greenfoot) PURPOSE OF PROJECT: The purpose of this assignment is to visually work with classes and subclasses, abstract classes, and interfaces, and to familiarize yourself with the basics of the GIT command line. As a side effect, it will help your instructor learn your names! VERSION or DATE: 08/13/2018 HOW TO START THIS PROJECT: To start this project, assuming that you have Greenfoot installed, click on the greenfoot project file within the top level of the assignment directory. If greenfoot is correctly installed, you will see a green foot icon just to the left of "project". AUTHORS: Mr. Kaehms and CSA students CONTRIBUTERS: Kilgore Trout (Add you name here once your code is added and correct) USER INSTRUCTIONS: 1) Start git bash 2) Move to a directory where you want to keep your work. For instance, cd c:/ then cd Users/YourName/Documents/Assignments 3) Clone the repository into the directory where git bash is pointing: git clone NOTE: This should set up all initial conditions for GIT and avoid a lot of confusion. 4) Open the greenfoot project file from within greenfoot and start editing. 5) Once tested and saved in Greenfoot, from the bash shell add any files that you want to put into the repository to the next git commit: (Note: File names are case sensitive!) PLEASE DO NOT COMMIT YOUR FILES IF THEY DO NOT COMPILE LOCALLY!!!!! ===================================================================== git add git add images/firstlast.jpg git add sounds/firstlast.wav 6) Check to see what has been staged (from the git command line): git status 7) Commit your changes from the git command line: git commit -m “adding my files to the repository” 8) Push your changes to the remote repository:
This is the first class assignment. Students will collaborate on a class seating chart.