
Ordering taking application for Heens Restaurant

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Heens Ordering App


Ordering web app for a restaurant. Basic features includes CRUD customer, menu with category and take order. The project

Build with MERN stack and Docker. Docker-compose files for dev and prod are included. Structured to be monorepo using yarn workspace. CircleCI for continious integration. Material-ui used as react component library.


Using Docker:

$ git clone https://github.com/ayrbox/HeensOrderingApp.git

$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml up -d

This will start the application in dev environment inside docker container.


$ git clone https://github.com/ayrbox/HeensOrderingApp.git

$ yarn install

$ yarn develop

Starts application in dev environment running locally. Requied MongoDb connection and use mongodb from docker-compose.yml before running yarn develop.

$ docker-compose up mongodb -d

yarn develop runs api and app script using concurrently. Api (express) runs at port 5000 and webapp (react) at port 3000. Proxy url is setup on react app which routes to api running at port 5000.

On production yarn start, the static react app is served via root router or an api.

Seeding Data

$ docker-compose run --rm orderingapp seed  # for prod env

$ docker-compose run --rm api seed # for dev env

$ yarn workspace api run develop  # for runing locally

Author Note

Personally, I have used this project to learn about docker, node, mongo, project management, testing, jest, mocha, chai, api test, express, material-ui, react, thunk and everything that being used in this project. It has gone through lots of iteration and big structural changes. FYI, it did not started as mono-repo. App is far from production quality. However, if somebody want to use it or want to extend it please feel free to fork and I am more than happy to assist without any liability. Please read the license for more detail.


MIT Licence