Search and Watch ( Award-winning project )

This project is releated to Natural Languages Processing and Information Retrieval. It consist of two parts.The aim of first part is converting the audio of news videos to text and splitting the text with using topic detection.The aim of second part is creating search engine and indexing the first part's text. To result, according searching term in search engine interface, its text will come and releated part of new video will be opened.


  1. Speech Recognition
  2. PyAudio
  3. Solr
  4. Web2Py


  • Python
  • Solr

##Project Development Steps

  • Installing and learning tools ✅
  • Converting audio to text ✅
  • Topic detection ✅
  • Indexing texts to Solr ✅
  • Doing an interface by using Web2Py ✅
  • Searching keyword ✅
  • Return related part of video according to searching word ✅
  • Testing ✅