
REST Web API for ecommerce

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


REST Web API for ecommerce

Getting started

  1. First you will need to clone down the code.

  2. Create a new directory on your local machine. I have called mine drf_course. This is your 'root directory'.

  3. Open a terminal and cd into the root directory.

You can now clone the first module.

#option 1 - SSH git clone --branch module_1 git@github.com:bobby-didcoding/drf_course.git .

#option 2 - Github CLI gh repo clone bobby-didcoding/drf_course . git checkout module_1

#option 3 - HTTPS git clone --branch module_1 https://github.com/bobby-didcoding/drf_course.git .