Primary LanguageObjective-C


To install run

git clone git@github.com:HEROES-GSFC/SAS-GSE.git

Then go into your the root directory of the project and run

git submodule init
git submodule update

This will download a set of librairy which the SAS-GSE depends on (namely https://github.com/HEROES-GSFC/SAS).

This project makes use of [CorePlot 1.2] (https://code.google.com/p/core-plot/). You can find the documentation for CorePlot [here] (http://core-plot.googlecode.com/hg/documentation/html/MacOS/index.html). CorePlot is included in this source code so you do not need to download and install it.


During development it may be necessary to update the SAS library. To do this go into the SAS directory which is lib/SAS-aspect and do

git pull origin master

Then commit this change in the HEROES-GSE project. See this [page] (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5828324/update-git-submodule) for more detailed instructions.