
Quick and dirty way to call StageUpdate.ShowStageRewardUI() to cheese and automatically clear any stage by pressing F5.
(For XDiVE offline version)

This is moreorless a "Hello World" I wrote.

Known Bugs

  • Hard lock if you try to show the reward UI before the stage has begun (the "Ready, Go!" sequence has finished playing).


Don't forget to add BepInEx to your NuGet repositories:

Add https://nuget.bepinex.dev/v3/index.json to your NuGet packages repository list

Add BepInEx.* to your package mappings

and have run BepInEx at least once to generate a library dump of the assemblies.

This repository uses this template and assumes you have XDiVE installed in the default location; C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\MEGA_MAN_X_DiVE_Offline.