
GUI friendly Game Application

Primary LanguageJava


Tetris Game Screenshot


Welcome to the Tetris Game implemented in Java using Swing! This project is a classic Tetris game with a graphical interface, showcasing the use of Java for creating interactive and visually appealing games.


  • Classic Tetris Gameplay: Enjoy the timeless Tetris game mechanics.
  • Intuitive Controls: Use the arrow keys to move and rotate the Tetris blocks.
  • Score Tracking: Keep track of your score as you clear rows.
  • Colorful Blocks: Each block has a distinct color for easy identification.
  • Game Over Screen: Displays your final score when the game ends.


To run the Tetris game on your local machine, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone https://github.com/ayu-ano/tetris-game.git
    cd tetris-game
  2. Compile the Code:

    javac StartTetrisGame.java
  3. Run the Game:

    java StartTetrisGame


  • Start the Game: Launch the game using the instructions above.
  • Controls:
    • Right Arrow: Move block right
    • Left Arrow: Move block left
    • Up Arrow: Rotate block
    • Down Arrow: Drop block

Code Structure

  • TetrisBlock.java: Defines the Tetris block properties and behaviors.
  • GameSource.java: Contains the main game logic and panel for rendering the game.
  • StartTetrisGame.java: Entry point to start the Tetris game.


Include some screenshots to give users a visual representation of the game:


Gameplay Screenshot Gameplay Screenshot Gameplay Screenshot

Terminal Output

Terminal Output Terminal Output

Game Over Screen

Game Over Screenshot