
Device Simulator

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript

Machine Cloud Control Panel

It's like there's a network of machines in the sky.

This app is a demo of machine to machine bi-directional low-latency communication using websockets. It is a simulation of thousands of network-enabled ThermoStats. Each ThermoStat has an internal state that it communicates to the "mothership." The "mothership" can return control messages to the device.

WebSocket Messages

listen-device - register interest in a device's control-device and readings channels. listen-mothership - register interest in the mother's status (number of connected devices) register-device - register a new device control-device - control a device readings - device's readings

ENV Vars

API_URL - url sensors connect to
BATTERY_DRAIN - rate of battery drain in one percent per X seconds
DASHBOARD_READINGS_INTERVAL - rate at which to sent analytics to the dashboad
HTTP_PASSWORD - http basic password
NODE_ENV - development or production environment
READINGS_INTERVAL - rate, in seconds, for sending readings to the server
SENSORS - number of device connections opened by the `int_sensor` and `uuid_sensor` processes
SILENT_DEVICE - set to 'true' to stop devices from logging every reading (they are
  already logged by the server)
SINGLE_DYNO_MODE - don't use redis pub/sub for socket.io (can't scale past 1 web process)
TEMP_RATE - number of seconds between using next temp reading from a city
TRANSPORTS - comma separated list of transport protocols for socket.io

#Redis Add-ON
heroku addons:add redisgreen

set REDIS_NAME to env var with redis url if not using REDISGREEN_URL for redis url

#For History API - credentials come from l2tempo
# you can use bin/update_config to push the proper creds after
# dropping and re-adding the tempodb add-on from l2tempo



device_array <n> "uuid" [optional] - start a cluster of virtual devices
fail_device  <device_id> - fail a specific device
fix_device <device_id> - fix a specific device
fail_n <n> - fail N devices
reset - reset the redis database
real_device - scrit to run on the Raspberry PI to start the "real" device
set_temp <device_id> <temp> - set the temp of a specific device
update_config - update the app with the TEMPODB creds from l2tempo
web - run the web server on PORT