
script for scraping portal berita bisnis.com menggunakan python

Primary LanguagePython


script for news scraping in bisnis.com using python

Project Title

SCRAPING BERITA DI WEB https://www.bisnis.com/index/ MENGGUNAKAN BS4

Getting Started

Scraping article from bisnis.com using BeautifulSoup

  • Script to run
    python scraping_bisniscom.py -sd 2020-03-15 -ed 2020-03-20 -c 43
    • sd : start date with format YYYY-MM-DD
    • fo : end date with format YYYY-MM-DD
    • c : category channel code in website


  • start date
  • end date
  • channel (category channel on the web)
    • for the channel you can see as below :
      • 43 : Ekonomi & Bisnis
      • 194 : Market
      • 5 : Finansial
      • 197 : Life&Style
    • If want to check in web follow this image:
      • alt text

The result is in .csv file and it will be look like alt text