Core Animation Kiosk Style Menus ================================ This sample implements the example application discussed in the Core Animation Programming Guide. This sample implements the application discussed in the Core Animation Programming Guide. It is a demonstration of an interface that might be used in a kiosk application, or with a fullscreen application such as Front Row. The sample demonstrates how to layout CATextLayers, display a CALayer with a continuous pulsing animation, and how the hosting view is used to handle key events, with the layers responding. There are two versions of the application included: QCCoreAnimationKioskStyleMenu, and CoreAnimationKioskStyleMenu. QCCoreAnimationKioskMenu displays the selection list on top of a continuously animating Quartz Composer animation. The second example displays the same list only using a sold black background. This allows the developer to measure the performance impact of background animations and perhaps tune their application for specific hardware. ============================ BUILD REQUIREMENTS Mac OS X 10.6.x or later ============================ RUNTIME REQUIREMENTS Mac OS X 10.6.x or later Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.