This is a gym website made using HTMl and CSS do add more and more features to it
Live :
1. Hacktoberfest guide
2. Code of Conduct
Step 1: Fork this repository.
Step 2: Go to your GitHub profile and you will find a repository with the same name as the project. Clone this repository either using the "Download zip" button under the code section or using git commands,
you can use the command:
git clone `link of the project (your fork)`
to clone your forked repository into your local machine.
now change your dirctory to the project using the command:
Now check if your fork is set to remote origin. A remote is basically a URL that points to the project repository and the one you forked. The project repository is called the 'Upstream' remote and your fork is called the 'origin' remote. You can check the status of remotes using the command:
git remote -v
you should see the word origin next to your fork, if you don't see it, you can use the command to add it:
git remote add origin URL_OF_FORK
now add the project repository as 'Upstream' remote using the command:
git remote add upstream URL_OF_PROJECT
now again use the command:
git remote -v
to check the status of remotes.
Now to update your repository with the main project, you need to use the command:
git pull upstream master
git pull upstream main
depending upon the branch of the main project.
Now, you should create a new branch as working in the main branch could be risky incase of an error or bugs, to add a new branch you can use the command:
git checkout -b BRANCH_NAME
This also switches you to the new branch.
And now you can make whatever changes you feel like to the code using various tools. After you are done making the required changes, you can stage those changes using the command:
git add -A
and commit them using:
git commit -m "A good description to the changes you made to the code."
To push these changes you can use the command:
git push origin BRANCH_NAME
Going back to GitHub you may see a highlighted area which says "Compare and Pull Request", click that. This will send a pull request.
Guidelines For contributors-: Register anytime between September 26 and October 31
Pull requests can be made in any GITHUB or GITLAB hosted project that’s participating in Hacktoberfest (look for the “hacktoberfest” topic)
Project maintainers must accept your pull/merge requests for them to count toward your total
Have 4 pull/merge requests accepted between October 1 and October 31 to complete Hacktoberfest
The first 40,000 participants (maintainers and contributors) who complete Hacktoberfest can elect to receive one of two prizes: a tree planted in their name, or the Hacktoberfest 2022 t-shirt.