fam-assignment Preferred framework, language and database used 1. Node Js -> works great in systems using the microservices architecture or containerization where the scalability and flexibility can be achieved quickly and easily. 2. MongoDb -> Document based structure, good support for text based search. 3. Bee-queue -> To achieve asynchronism. Steps to run the project 1. Clone the project 2. cp .env.example .env 3. cp .node_env.example .node_env 4. Build image -> docker-compose build node 5. Install dependecies inside docker container -> docker-compose run node npm install 6. docker-compose up 7. Search API endpoint is api/data/?search=something funny&countPerPage=10&pageNo=1 Further Improvements that could be implemented 1. We can introduce caching to avoid DB hits and get results faster. 2. We can also introduce replication/redundancy if our system is becoming read heavy and fine with eventually consistency. 3. Could implement sharding, if it is becoming very write heavy and want scalability. 4. Can compare search between mongodb and elastic and implement elastic if providing faster search.