🍎 MathCam is an Apple Calculator like math-solver with a twist of Computer Vision. Inspired by the iPad calculator.
- Abusraj
- Aman02032003
- andmartins7
- Anilyadavcse
- Ashuradhipathi
- Asta1984India
- atulkumar-20Ahmedabad
- ayush-thatArch Linux
- Buddhsen-tripathiAmadeus
- CubeStar1
- fasilshan
- gustigiyusBandung
- hellosatyajitCrework
- ishmeet-codes
- jainakshat30
- jainikkhil
- Jisan10667Shahjalal University of Science and Technology
- lalithreddymadadi
- MohitGoyal09creative wonders
- Moulika3952
- ncjpr04Jaipur, Rajasthan
- nilaachandraSilchar,Assam,India
- paraspatil11Pune
- Prathamesh-chougale-17@hsbc
- PrithviKaushik
- Rgagan2601
- Sainath9866
- SamarthSolanki1
- Sanjay-2004Hyderabad
- shaunakp21
- sisyphusisstillcarryingVirtual Reality
- srivanik8
- Tejs1@msgai
- varshil009
- veereshpattanadbagalkot,karnataka
- whothefisyashIndia