Started learning bashscript, basics of command line, regex operations etc.
Started writing on a studentsearch using bashscript.
Scraped data required for the student search by developing scraping scripts which scraped a student's data with roll no as input.
Completed the usable student search.
Started learning python and using it implemented some small games like hangman, hi-lo etc.
An email filter which takes two command line arguments. Extracts unique email addresses from first file (given as argument) Transfers the data to second file (given as second argument)
Use the argparse and re and os library of python 2.7 Made a grep for python with -r, -o, --color, -l, -h, -i, -n flags
Use the zeroMQ or zmq library of python Create game Passing_the_Parcel with other scripts and Collatz Conjecture
Start reading about Linux Architecture, Linux from Scratch.
Started with Linux from Scratch.
Completed the LFS till the part of compiling and testing basic packages (Chapter 5), using symlinks, reading about how to build packages etc.
Started building an html scraping script using "Beautiful Soup" to scrape the code for Chapter 6 - building various packages.
Completed compilations and testing of packages required to run a basic Linux system by building the packages by doing "chroot" in our custom linux system.
Started working on making a package manager for the custom linux system we compiled on our base system's kernel.