
Interpreter in Haskell

Primary LanguageHaskellMIT LicenseMIT


An implementation of Oz Interpreter in Haskell.

This Interpreter was initially developed as part of an Assignment 2 and Assignment 3 for the Course - Principles of Programming Languages (CS350A), IITK

How to Use?

The interpreter is a developed using Stack (This is the only dependency to build the project).

 > make             # Builds the project, installs binaries appropriately

The project also has a comprehensive test-suite, covering all the cases as described in the problem statement.

To run the tests:

 > make test

This also catches the exception for the intentionally failing tests such as unification failure, record arity mismatch, variable out of scope etc.

Please refer to Type Specification and Examples sections to get an idea of how to give the binary an input program to execute.

Type Specification

The types have been defined so as to distinguish various statements of the kernel language, and also to allow converting between user input and storage form in Single Assignment Store.

  • Stores Types (Single Assignment, Trigger and Mutable)
type MemoryToEqClassMap = Map.Map Memory Memory
type EqClassToValueMap  = Map.Map Memory Value

type SingleAssignmentStore = (MemoryToEqClassMap, EqClassToValueMap)
type TriggerStore = Map.Map Memory [Value]
type MutableStore = Map.Map Uuid.UUID Memory
  • Statement Type (Set of valid statements which can be part of a program)
data Statement = Skip
                 | Multiple {stmts :: [Statement]}
                 | Var {dest :: Identifier,
                        stmt :: Statement}
                 | BindIdent {dest :: Identifier,
                              src  :: Identifier}
                 | BindValue {dest  :: Identifier,
                              value :: ValuesRead}
                 | Conditional {src     :: Identifier,
                                fststmt :: Statement,
                                sndstmt :: Statement}
                 | Match {src     :: Identifier,
                          pattern :: ValuesRead,
                          fststmt :: Statement,
                          sndstmt :: Statement}
                 | Apply {func       :: Identifier,
                          parameters :: [Identifier]}
                 | Thread {stmt :: Statement}
                 | ByNeed {dest :: Identifier,
                           value :: ValuesRead}
                 | NewPort {src  :: Identifier,
                            dest :: Identifier}
                 | Send {dest  :: Identifier,
                         msg :: Identifier}
                 | Wait {src :: Identifier} deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
  • StackState Type (Ready, Suspended, Completed), for Concurreny
data StackState = Ready | Suspended | Completed deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
  • Value Type (Literal, Record, Closures)
data Value = Liter {litVal :: Literal}
             | Closure {procParameters :: [Identifier],
                        procStmt       :: Statement,
                        procEnv        :: EnvironmentMap}
             | Rec {recLabel  :: Literal,
                    recValues :: FeatureMap}
             | Name {name :: Uuid.UUID} deriving (Show, Read)

Value type describes how values (data) is stored in the Single Assignment Store, the SAS can only contain data of types Literals (integers), Records or Closures (procedures).

  • ValuesRead Type (Expressions, Procedures, Records and IsDetermined), Expressions and Operators.
data ValuesRead = Expr {expr :: Expression}
                  | Proc {params :: [Identifier],
                          pStmt   :: Statement}
                  | Record {label  :: Literal,
                            values :: ReadFeatureMap}
                  | IsDet {vsrc :: Identifier} deriving (Eq, Show, Read)

data Expression = Lit {val :: Literal}
                  | Variable {expVar :: Identifier}
                  | Exp {operator :: Operator,
                         leftOperand :: Expression,
                         rightOperand :: Expression} deriving (Eq, Show, Read)

data Operator = Add | Sub | Mult | Div deriving (Eq, Show, Read)

ValuesRead type describes how the values are read from IO. The conversion is done using convertValuesReadToValue function described in Helpers.hs.

  • Expressions: Evaluated and converted to value literals to store in SAS.
  • Records: Map features to the corresponding values in Single Assignment Store.
  • Closures: Segregate procedure arguments, procedure statement and free variables.
  • IsDetermined: Returns a boolean (literal 1 or 0) is the variable is bound or not respectively.


  • Lazy Program (ByNeed Statement which creates a trigger for a variable and it is activated on encountering a suspended statement), this corresponds to Positive TestCase 22.
Var {dest = "x", stmt = Var {dest = "y", stmt = Multiple {stmts = [ByNeed {dest = "x", value = Proc {params = ["a"], pStmt = BindValue {dest = "a", value = Expr {expr = Lit {val = 0}}}}},Conditional {src = "x", fststmt = BindValue {dest = "y", value = Expr {expr = Lit {val = 1}}}, sndstmt = BindValue {dest = "y", value = Expr {expr = Lit {val = 2}}}}]}}}
  • Concurrent Program (Thread Statement which binds the variable alice for Conditional suspendable statements), this corresponds to Positive TestCase 19.
Var {dest = "alice", stmt = Var {dest = "bob", stmt = Var {dest = "charles", stmt = Multiple {stmts = [Thread {stmt = BindIdent {dest = "charles", src = "alice"}},BindValue {dest = "charles", value = Expr {expr = Lit {val = 0}}},Conditional {src = "alice", fststmt = BindIdent {dest = "bob", src = "alice"}, sndstmt = BindValue {dest = "bob", value = Expr {expr = Lit {val = 100}}}}]}}}}
  • Evaluating Expressions (Multiplication of 2 Variables, namely alice, bob and stored in a 3rd variable charles), this corresponds to Positive TestCase 17.
Var {dest = "alice", stmt = Var {dest = "bob", stmt = Var {dest = "charles", stmt = Multiple {stmts = [BindValue {dest = "alice", value = Expr {expr = Lit {val = 12}}}, BindValue {dest = "bob", value = Expr {expr = Lit {val = 27}}}, BindValue {dest = "charles", value = Expr {expr = Exp {operator = Mult, leftOperand = Variable {expVar = "alice"}, rightOperand = Variable {expVar = "bob"}}}}]}}}}
  • Conditional Statement (Taking True branch for non-zero literal value stored in alice), this corresponds to Positive TestCase 10.
Var {dest = "bob", stmt = Var {dest = "alice", stmt = Multiple {stmts = [BindValue {dest = "alice", value = Expr {expr = Lit {val = 1}}}, Conditional {src = "alice", fststmt = BindIdent {dest = "alice", src = "bob"}, sndstmt = BindValue {dest = "bob", value = Expr {expr = Lit {val = 100}}}}]}}}
  • Value binding, binding to a Procedure (with free variables), this corresponds to Positive TestCase 8.
Var {dest = "charles", stmt = Var {dest = "bob", stmt = Var {dest = "alice", stmt = BindValue {dest = "charles", value = Proc {params = ["bob"], pStmt = BindIdent {dest = "alice", src = "bob"}}}}}}
  • Value binding, binding to a Record, this corresponds to Positive TestCase 6.
Var {dest = "charles", stmt = Var {dest = "bob", stmt = Var {dest = "alice", stmt = BindValue {dest = "alice", value = Record {label = 12, values = fromList [(1,"bob"),(2,"charles")]}}}}}
  • More examples can be found in the file Spec.hs.

Summary of Tests

We have divided the test-suite into 2 classes, namely Positive and Negative (Should raise an Exception) test cases.

Positive Test Cases

S No Test Description Result
1 Variable declarations (multiple combinations) Passed
2 Identifier binding succeeds (both unbound) Passed
3 Identifier binding succeeds (one variable unbound and one bound) Passed
4 Unification of 3 variables Passed
5 Identifier binding succeeds (both bound to equal values) Passed
6 Value binding, binding to a Record Passed
7 Value binding, binding to a Procedure (w/o free variables) Passed
8 Value binding, binding to a Procedure (with free variables) Passed
9 Binding two records succeeds (label, arity, features match, unification succeeds) Passed
10 Conditional Statement (Taking True branch for non-zero literal) Passed
11 Conditional Statement (Taking False branch for zero literal) Passed
12 Match (Case) Statement, case of Pattern match Passed
13 Match (Case) Statement, case of Pattern mis-match (else part) Passed
14 Procedure Call (Apply Statement) (w/o free variables) Passed
15 Procedure Call (Apply Statement) (with free variables) Passed
16 Evaluating Expressions (Addition of a Variable and a literal) Passed
17 Evaluating Expressions (Multiplication of 2 Variables) Passed
18 Thread Statement (without Suspend Case) Passed
19 Thread Statement (with Suspension of Conditional Statement) Passed
20 Multiple Threads (Depending on one another, suspension goes back and forth) Passed
21 ByNeed Statement (trigger activated by a variable being bound) Passed
22 ByNeed Statement (trigger activated by a suspendable statement) Passed
23 ByNeed Statement (trigger NOT activated) Passed
24 Eager Factorial Function (Recursion) Passed
25 Lazy Factorial Function (Recursion with Laziness) Passed

Negative Test Cases (Raising Exceptions)

S No Test Description Result
1 Identifier binding fails, Variable out of scope Passed
2 Unification fails (due to unequal values of bound variables) Passed
3 Unification fails (Arity mis-match for 2 records) Passed
4 Conditional expression variable is not a literal Passed
5 Pattern in match (case) statement is not a record Passed
6 Invalid Procedure Call (type of variable is not closure) Passed
7 Invalid Procedure Call (Arity of Call and stored Closure don't match) Passed
8 Evaluating Expressions Fails (one operand not bound to a value) Passed
9 Single suspendable Statement Failure Case Passed
10 Multiple Statements Suspended on each other (Conditional, Match and Apply) Passed
11 ByNeed Statement trigger activated and Unification error Passed

Developer's Section

The interpreter requires input in AST format. Here is a brief specification of how each statement of Oz syntax is represented in our type specification.

Oz Syntax Problem Statement InHs Specification
skip [nop] Skip
skip skip [ [nop] [nop] ] Multiple { stmts = [Skip, Skip] }
local <X> in <s> end [var ident(x) s] Var { dest = "x", stmt = Statement }
x = <v> [bind ident(x) literal(v)] BindValue { dest = "x", value = ValuesRead }
x = y [bind ident(x) ident(v)] BindIdent { dest = "x", src = "y" }
if <x> then <s>1 else <s>2 end [conditional ident(x) s1 s2] Conditional { src = "x", fststmt = Statement, sndstmt = Statement }
case <x> of <p1> then <s>1 else <s>2 end [match ident(x) p1 s1 s2] Match { src = "x", pattern = Record, fststmt = Statement, sndstmt = Statement }
{F X1 ... Xn} [apply ident(f) ident(x1) ... ident(xn)] Apply { func = "F", parameters = ["X1", ... , "Xn"] }
thread <s> end [Thread s] Thread { stmt = Statement }
ByNeed <p> <x> end [ByNeed p x] ByNeed { dest = "x", value = ValuesRead }
NewPort <x> <port> end [NewPort x port] NewPort { src = "x", dest = "port" }
Send <port> <msg> end [Send port msg] Send { dest = "port", msg = "msg" }
Wait <x> [Wait x] Wait { src = "x" }

The Specification for each of the Records and Value types can be found in Examples section.

Project Structure

├── app
│   └── Main.hs
├── Makefile
├── package.yaml
├── README.md
├── Setup.hs
├── src
│   ├── ExecuteProgram.hs
│   ├── Execution.hs
│   ├── Helpers.hs
│   ├── MutableStore.hs
│   ├── SingleAssignmentStore.hs
│   ├── TriggerStore.hs
│   └── Types.hs
├── stack.yaml
├── stack.yaml.lock
└── test
    └── Spec.hs
  • ExecuteProgram.hs: Main program. Calls threadScheduler which picks a READY stack and calls executeStack which defines operations of the abstract machine depending on the type of statement.
  • Execution.hs: All the functions related to Threading, Context Switch and Execution Semantics of each statement and stack are defined here, they in turn call functions from different modules.
  • Helpers.hs : Set of helper functions to convert ValuesRead type to Value type or retrieve values from SAS or free variables from a procedure value and many more.
  • MutableStore.hs: This is the where Message Passing feature comes from, NewPort statement creates a port (association) in this store and Send statement is used to send data to this newly created port.
  • SingleAssignmentStore.hs : This is where the MAGIC happens, it implements the code for SAS and UNIFICATION Algorithm for literals, records and values.
  • TriggerStore.hs: This is the where Laziness feature comes from, ByNeed statement creates a trigger in this store and it is activated when the variable is really needed.
  • Types.hs : Defines all the types and typeclasses used in the project. Brief intro is given in the Type Specification section.