
labs for COMP3123 at GBC ( Full Stack Class)

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Find all labs here. This repository contains a new lab on a weekly basis which will contain resources, exercises, challenges and assignment submissions.

  1. Week
    • Administrative
    • Introductioin to MERN
    • MERN v.s. MEAN
    • ES6 Feature Review
      • Default Params
      • Template Strings
      • Object Literals
      • Arrow Functions
      • Promises
      • Scoping
      • Classes
      • Modules
    • LAB: Working with ES6 features
  2. Week
    • Node Core Concepts Review
    • Event Driven Architecture
      • Callbacks, Promises and Async/Await
    • Accessing Local Storage
    • Lab: Create a Node server that can handle basic HTTP requests
  3. Week
    • Node for Networking
      • Working with Multiple sockets
      • Interaction with Socket.IO
    • Clusters and child Processes
      • Child Process Module
      • Scaling with Cluster Module
    • Quiz
    • LAB Build a demo chat app with Socket.IO
  4. Week
    • MongoDB and Mongoose
      • Review building the Schema and Models
      • Query and Sorting with Mongoose
      • Mongoose validation
        • Built-in Validators
        • Custom Validators
        • Handling Validation errors
    • LAB Mongoose queryting and validation against MongoDB
  5. Week
  • Redux Intro
    • State containers and management
    • Redux Basics
  • QUIZ
  • LAB: redux Basics
  1. Week
    • Redux fundamentals
      • Asynchronous Actions
      • Redux State Tree
      • Redux Internals
    • QUIZ
    • Lab: Redux Fundamentals
  2. Midterm
  3. Intersession Week
  4. Week
    • Getting Started With React
      • The architecure of Ract applications
      • React Project structures
      • React VS Angular
      • Setting up a React environment
    • QUIZ
    • LAB: Creating a Starter React App
  5. Week
    • React Events
      • DOM & Component Events
    • React forms
      • Form Element & Validation
    • QUIZ
    • Lab: Creating React Forms with Events
  6. Week
    • React Events
      • DOM & Component Events
    • React Forms
      • Form Element & Validation
    • QUIZ
    • LAB: Creating React Forms with Events
  7. Week
    • React Router & Component State
    • Quiz
  8. Week
    • Redux & Authentication
      • JWT Authentication
    • LAB: Lab Test on React
  9. Week, person project due
    • App Architecture consideration
    • Overview of further tools and resources
    • Testing the MERN stack
    • QUIZ
  10. Final Exam