
Simple To do app

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Simple Todo App Build Status

A simple todo app made using Incremental DOM and Redux.

Link : http://ayusharma.in/todo/dist/


Please make sure that you have Node.js and npm installed on your system. This application is built with webpack, and without those two tools, you can't proceed.

  • Node.js (recommended: 4.x)
  • npm (recommended: 2.x or 3.x)


    npm install

Running Tests

    npm run test

Repo includes test cases for Redux's reducers with Jest.

Webpack dev server

It will start webpack dev server with Hot module replacement.

    npm run dev

Visit http://localhost:8080/webpack-dev-server/index.html in your browser to check application.


It will create minified build in project's dist directory.

    npm run build

First Impression & Challenges

I found tasks quite interesting as I have to make end to end solution here. I found dependencies little bit outdated (Webpack 1.x, Babel 6.x etc) but It can be the constraint of the task to implement things in the current setup. So I kept the dependencies in provided versions. I also noticed all the dependencies in production state. So over the time I managed dependencies and devDependencies in package.json


WEB-101: Support enter key for add todo field

I converted the input field to inside form tag. It gave me functionality submit form on enter key press. In later commits, I added return false on onsubmit and make a check to not to submit blank value in redux store.


  • 3f33f62 WEB-101: Support enter key for add todo field
  • f9990b1 Fix: Stop user to submit blank value in list

WEB-102: Adding a new todo causes text field focus to be lost

I added focus property to add todo click listener. It is keep focusing on input element.


  • 31029b7 WEB-102: Adding a new todo causes text field focus to be lost

WEB-103: Add status filtering test

On initial inspection, I identified Redux implementation. I did following:

  • tests using jest
  • combineReducer to combine todo and filter reducers.
  • action and listener for setFilter.
  • todo filtering for view according to filter.
  • filter template for #filter and conditional template.


  • 5848dea WEB-103: Add status filtering test

WEB-120: Save users todo items

Added localstorage in subscribe and createStore. Later in redux implementation task, I added this by using applyMiddleware


  • cfb0c5e WEB-120: Save users todo items

WEB-201: Extract CSS into separate file

I used extract-text-webpack-plugin in webpack and handled production and development scenario.

  • environments from package.json


  • 0e6eb63 WEB-201: Extract CSS into separate file

WEB-303: Improve developer experience

Added webpack-dev-server with webpack-html-plugin to provide HMR.


  • cba71f0 WEB-303: Improve developer experience

WEB-202: Optimized bundle generation

First of all I thought about webpack-bundle-analyser to inspect bundles. After that I have added following things:

  • webpack.optimize.AggressiveMergingPlugin
  • webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin
  • webpack.DefinePlugin
  • webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin
  • devtool support - map files only in development mode.

Also added a commit later.


  • f4a26f1 WEB-202: Optimized bundle generation
  • 8a2bcc6 RE:WEB-202: Optimized bundle generation

Reference https://webpack.github.io/docs/list-of-plugins.html

WEB-203: Replace lib/state.js

Implemented redux using createStore and applyMiddleware for localstorage.


  • 434a2c1 WEB-203: Replace lib/state.js

WEB-110: Improve visual appearance && WEB-104: Change filter position test

Improved the visual experience, added scss, and implemented index.html#filter#renderBottom#filterTop. Later on, when things stared to work, I improved the UI again.


  • 39ee90b WEB-110, WEB-104: Improve visual appearance, Change filter position test
  • 82bbc63 Improvement:WEB-110: Improve visual appearance
  • ebe0342 UI improvement - card layout
  • a0300d7 No tasks handler and UI fixes

WEB-302: Static feature compilation

I developed a find and replace loader for this. It is in loader directory.


  • 91944cb WEB-302: Static feature compilation

WEB-301: Optimize the view rendering

For this I implemented rendering and markeup in 'incremental-dom'. I also tried some JSX libraries but could not implemented due to bugs.Some options I found on internet:

I found these very useful:

So in the end I wrote the markup using incremental-dom.

Other things:

  • Jest Fixup and setup a782097
  • Remove to do feature to show remove button on hover 42ce173