
An Alexa skill that scrapes the menu from the UCSC dining hall website and lists the appropriate menu for a user who asks for a specific meal at a specific dining hall.

Primary LanguagePython



User: Hey Alexa, what is for breakfast today at college nine ten dining hall?

Alexa: Good Morning name, for breakfast, college nine and ten has ________, ________, _________, and ___________. Yummy!

User: Hey Alexa, what is for lunch today at college nine ten dining hall?

Alexa: Good Afternoon name, for lunch, college nine and ten's main dish is ______. Would you like to hear more options?

If User says no: Enjoy your lunch!

If User says yes: In addition to the main dish, college nine and ten offers ______, ______, _______, and _______. Delish!

User: Hey Alexa, what is for dinner today at college nine ten dining hall?

Alexa: Good Evening name, for dinner, college nine and ten's main dish is ______. Would you like to hear more options?

If User says no: Enjoy your dinner!

If User says yes: In addition to the main dish, college nine and ten offers ______, ______, _______, and _______. Bon Appetit!

User: Hey Alexa, what is for late night today at college nine ten dining hall?

If main dish: Alexa: go to sleep name, for late night, college nine and ten's main dish is ______. Would you like to hear more options?

If User says no: Enjoy your late night meal!

If User says yes: In addition to the main dish, college nine and ten offers ______, ______, _______, and _______. Delicioso!

Else no main dish: go to sleep dumbass, for late night, college nine and ten offers ______, ______, _______, and _______. Bon Appetit!

Extras: Late Night days, Brunch days, Happy Hour, College Nights, Holidays, Protests, OPERS Fest