The repository contains a single task, scan-repo, for scanning a repository through Trivy. After running the pipeline, user is first asked to enter the link of the repo to be scanned. Try this one. Further working of Trivy can be understood here.
Set up a cluster using minikube by doing a minikube start.
Install tekton with the following command after setting up the cluster
kubectl apply --filename
This will install all the necessary Tekton components to get started.
Apply all the mentioned tasks in the repositorry above. Example format:
kubectl apply -f
Apply the pipeline yamls as:
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f
Now, start the pipeline by: tkn pipeline start scan-pipeline-repo
Check logs Now, the pipeline has successfully started. You can check the logs using the following command:
tkn pipelinerun logs <name-of-the-pipelinerun>
You can see the table of all vulnerabilities (if any) detected by Trivy.