Police Club

The Police Club mobile app is a comprehensive platform that delivers real-time information and news related to law enforcement agencies and police-related events. This app caters to a diverse audience, including journalists, law enforcement professionals, and the general public interested in staying informed about police-related matters.

System-Design -> HLD


LLD -> Typescript

  • visit this folder -> cd police_lld
  • police.ts

Deployed Link



To run this application in typescript

  • npm install -g typescript

  • npx ts-node police.ts

Tech Stack Used: -

Backend : -

Node.js Express.js MongoDB


  • User can register with name email and password
  • User can login with name email and password
  • User can able to get the otp
  • User can able to logout

Getting Started



  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/your-username/police-club-app.git

  2. Install the dependencies: npm install express nodemon mongoose jsonwebtoken bcrypt cors nodemailer

Creating Server

  • It is not an inbuilt module of node, so we have to install it using npm
  • Create a node project by npm init -y .
  • Create a file named index.js .
  • Initialise a node project and install nodemon
  • Install express
  • Install some more dependencies mongoose,dotenv,express,node-mailer,json-webtoken,bcryptby npm install.
  • To run Mysql server with Express Node
  • nodemon server

All routes

Post /user/register User can able to register 200
Post /user/login This route should allow user to login 200
Get /logout This endpoint should allow user to logout their account 200
Post /vehicle/add This route should allow user to add vehicle 201
Get /vehicle/get This route should allow user to get vehicle 200
Get by id /vehicle/get/:id This route should allow user to get unique vehicle 200
Patch /vehicle/update/:id This route should allow user to update vehicle 200
Delete /vehicle/delete/:id This route should allow user to delete vehicle 200
post /person/add This route should allow user to add person 200
Get /person/get This route should allow user to get person 200
Get by id /person/get/:id This route should allow user to get unique person 200
Patch /person/update/:id This route should allow user to update vehicle 200
Delete /person/delete/"id This route should allow user to delete vehicle 200
post /pet/add This route should allow user to add pet 200
get /pet/get This route should allow user to get pet 200
getbyid /pet/get/:id This route should allow user to get pet 200
patch /pet/update/:id This route should allow user to update pet 200
delete /pet/delete This route should allow user to delete pet 200
Post /bag/add This route should allow user to add bag 201
get /bag/get This route should allow user to get bag 201
getbyid /bag/get/:id This route should allow user to get bag 201
patch /bag/upadte/:id This route should allow user to update bag 201
delete /bag/delete:id This route should allow user to delete bag 201
Post /mobile/add This route should allow user to add mobile details 201
Get /mobile/get This route should allow user to get mobile details 201
Patch /mobile/update This route should allow user to update moile details 201
Delete /mobile/delete This route should allow user to delete mobile details 201
Post /other/add This route should allow user to add other details 201
Get /other/get This route should allow user to get other details 201
Patch /other/update/:id This route should allow user to get other details 201
Delete /other/delete/:id This route should allow user to delete other details 201

User's Schema

    "name": "chikuuu",
    "email": "chiku111@gmail.com",
    "phoneNumber": "9450118914",
    "password": "1234"

Register route


Register Schema

  "name": "chikuuu",
  "email": "chiku555@gmail.com",
  "phoneNumber": "9450118914",
  "picture": "img.png",
  "password": "1234"

Response status

  "success": "user registered successfully",
  "newUser": {
    "name": "chikuuu",
    "email": "chiku555@gmail.com",
    "password": "$2b$05$v164WQ7tThtPKet/trkPeebdmWgUUcxEnzDntdbglaCe8g9ILSlJe",
    "phoneNumber": "9450118914",
    "picture": "img.png",
    "_id": "64a4fcb0f0a89dea994e3cd3",
    "__v": 0

Login Routes


Login Response Status

  "message": "Login successfully",
  "Normal_Token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VySWQiOiI2NGE0ZmNiMGYwYTg5ZGVhOTk0ZTNjZDMiLCJpYXQiOjE2ODg1MzQyMzksImV4cCI6MTY4OTEzOTAzOX0.0LErrPqiN_yKNOmrQKVbGLkj1tL16L7kQSLefKM2viQ",
  "Refresh_Token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VySWQiOiI2NGE0ZmNiMGYwYTg5ZGVhOTk0ZTNjZDMiLCJpYXQiOjE2ODg1MzQyMzksImV4cCI6MTY4OTEzOTAzOX0.0LErrPqiN_yKNOmrQKVbGLkj1tL16L7kQSLefKM2viQ",
  "name": "chikuuu",
  "email": "chiku555@gmail.com",
  "userid": "64a4fcb0f0a89dea994e3cd3",
  "otp": 1124

Logout Route

  • Get Request Logout


Logout Route Response

Log Out Successfully

Vehicle Schema

    vehicle_type: String,
    vehicle_date: Date,
    vehicle_time: Date,
    vehicle_brand: String,
    vehicle_color: String,
    vehicle_location: String,
    vehicle_image: String


Vehicle Routes API

Post Route


Post Route Model

    "vehicle_type": "four-wheelers",
    "vehicle_date": "03-12-2000",
    "vehicle_time": "05-16-2004",
    "vehicle_brand": "toyoto",
    "vehicle_color": "pink",
    "vehicle_location": "shimla",
    "vehicle_image": "img.png"

Response status of adding a vehicle

    "message": ":Thanks for adding new vehicle please visit again   🚌",
    "data": {
        "vehicle_type": "four-wheelers",
        "vehicle_date": "2000-03-11T18:30:00.000Z",
        "vehicle_time": "2004-05-15T18:30:00.000Z",
        "vehicle_brand": "toyoto",
        "vehicle_color": "pink",
        "vehicle_location": "shimla",
        "vehicle_image": "img.png",
        "_id": "649d732ef07e6e684a0884ac",
        "__v": 0

Get Route API


response status of getting vehicle

    "message": ":getting all your vehicles details 🚎  ",
    "data": [
            "_id": "649d62a6f305ad93dafb2466",
            "vehicle_type": "land",
            "vehicle_date": "2000-03-11T18:30:00.000Z",
            "vehicle_time": "2004-05-15T18:30:00.000Z",
            "vehicle_brand": "toyoto",
            "vehicle_color": "red",
            "vehicle_location": "goa",
            "vehicle_image": "img.png",
            "__v": 0

            "_id": "649d732ef07e6e684a0884ac",
            "vehicle_type": "four-wheelers",
            "vehicle_date": "2000-03-11T18:30:00.000Z",
            "vehicle_time": "2004-05-15T18:30:00.000Z",
            "vehicle_brand": "toyoto",
            "vehicle_color": "pink",
            "vehicle_location": "shimla",
            "vehicle_image": "img.png",
            "__v": 0

GET the vehicle by unique id


Response status of unique vehicle

    "message": ":getting all your own  vehicles details 🚎  ",
    "data": {
        "_id": "649d6551b9f9bf131d3f3a9b",
        "vehicle_type": "four-wheelers",
        "vehicle_date": "2000-03-11T18:30:00.000Z",
        "vehicle_time": "2004-05-15T18:30:00.000Z",
        "vehicle_brand": "toyoto",
        "vehicle_color": "pink",
        "vehicle_location": "shimla",
        "vehicle_image": "img.png",
        "__v": 0

Patch request for updating vehicle



Delete vehicle API


Person's Route

Adding a person

Post API


person's Schema

     "person_name": "Ayushi",
    "person_aadharNumber": "601133954397",
    "person_time": "08-11-2004",


Response status

    "message": ":Thanks for adding new Person's details  please visit again   🚌",
    "data": {
        "person_name": "Ayushi",
        "person_aadharNumber": "601133954397",
        "person_date": "2005-09-11T18:30:00.000Z",
        "person_time": "2004-08-10T18:30:00.000Z",
        "_id": "649e623e0a426144a63d3da6",
        "__v": 0

Get API for getting all Person's details


Person's schema

    "message": ":getting all your Person's  details 🚎  ",
    "data": [
            "_id": "649d81839bb3e530efcfa493",
            "person_name": "Ayushi",
            "person_aadharNumber": "601133954397",
            "person_date": "2005-09-11T18:30:00.000Z",
            "person_time": "2004-08-10T18:30:00.000Z",
            "__v": 0
            "_id": "649e623e0a426144a63d3da6",
            "person_name": "Ayushi",
            "person_aadharNumber": "601133954397",
            "person_date": "2005-09-11T18:30:00.000Z",
            "person_time": "2004-08-10T18:30:00.000Z",
            "__v": 0

Pet post schema

    "pet_breed": "bread",
    "pet_picture": "img.png",
    "pet_color": "white",
    "pet_date": "03-12-2000",
    "pet_time": "03-12-2001",
    "PoliceStation": "mumbai"

Pet post API




Pet GET Response Status

    "message": ":getting all your Pets details 🚎  ",
    "data": [
            "_id": "649e91788099d610e668271b",
            "pet_breed": "String",
            "pet_picture": "String",
            "pet_color": "String",
            "pet_date": "2000-03-11T18:30:00.000Z",
            "pet_time": "2001-03-11T18:30:00.000Z",
            "PoliceStation": "String",
            "__v": 0
            "_id": "649e91948099d610e668271f",
            "pet_breed": "bread",
            "pet_picture": "img.png",
            "pet_color": "white",
            "pet_date": "2000-03-11T18:30:00.000Z",
            "pet_time": "2001-03-11T18:30:00.000Z",
            "PoliceStation": "mumbai",
            "__v": 0



Delete Pet API


Bag Post API


Bag get API


Bag get response

    "message": ":getting all your Bagss details 🚎  ",
    "data": [
            "_id": "649e9681ca1408d737783c54",
            "bag_type": "hand-purse",
            "bag_ownerName": "ayushi",
            "bag_date": "2000-03-11T18:30:00.000Z",
            "bag_time": "2008-01-01T18:30:00.000Z",
            "PoliceStation": "jammu",
            "__v": 0

bag update API


Bag Delete API
