MongoDB Transactions

A REST API to perform large operations on the mongodb database with flexibility to cancel the operation in between and revert the changes.


Suppose a user uploads a huge CSV file that is parsed and inserted in mongodb. This upload can take a large amount of time. After initiating the upload, the user realizes that they uploaded the outdated file. Now there is no way to stop that ongoing upload with regular application flow.


To interrupt a huge operation safely(such as a large file upload) in mongodb, the application uses mongodb transactions. The transactions provice ACID functionality to the application.

  • server.js

    The server.js file holds the main the backend logic. It is responsible to start the server on port 3000 and has various endpoints to aid flexibility. The server.js starts its execution in the main thread and deploys a worker thread when it receives a csv upload request.

  • worker.js

    The worker.js contains the logic to insert csv data to mongodb database while listening for any interrupt. If the user sends a cancel message to the server, the worker stops the execution of the ongoing query and initiates a rollback operation.

  • models/Employee.js

    This file contains Employee model used throughout the application to demostrate the functionality.

Note: I've used employee data example as sample data for this application.


  • git
  • docker
  • docker-compose


  • Clone the repo

    git clone
  • Go to the root directory

    cd mongodb-transactions
  • Run docker compose

    docker-compose up --build


  • GET '/ping': Test route

  • GET '/employee': To display all employee data

  • POST '/employee/createOne': To create a single entry in the application

  • POST '/employee/create': To create multiple employees by uploading a csv file of employee data

    upload csv

  • POST '/employee/create/cancel': To stop the ongoing upload

    upload cancel

Tech stack

  • MongoDB version: 4.4.0
  • Node.js : 14.4.0