A RESTful service for Decision Tree implementation 'rpart' in R.
Compile and create WAR file:
- Open Terminal and go to dt-service folder
- Run mvn clean package
Copy the WAR file from dt-service/target/ to webapps folder of Tomcat
Start the Tomcat server
To train and create a Decision Tree model:
Send a POST request with payload as contents of the training data in CSV format to
By default, the last column is assumed to contain the class labels
To specify column-number of class labels, add classColumnNumber parameter:
The response will contain a summary of the training phase and the name of the created model at its bottom
Note down the model name (which starts with 'DT' and ends with 'model')
To test a model:
Send a POST request with payload as contents of the testing data in CSV format to
To specify column-number of class labels, add classColumnNumber parameter:
By default, the output of the testing phase is a confusion matrix
To specify the output type of the testing phase, add outputType parameter:
- http://host-name:port/dt-service/api/dt/test?modelName=model-name&outputType=confusion_matrix
- http://host-name:port/dt-service/api/dt/test?modelName=model-name&outputType=predictions